Recognize the 4th R and Repurpose CDs
Recycle, Reduce and Reuse are important ways to keep our planet healthy. We try to incorporate all three into our daily routine at Bookmans. Reuse is what our business model is based on. We use paper, recyclable bags and we recycle the books that are too damaged to sell or donate. We reduce waste by finding new homes for material that would otherwise be relocated to landfills. Since it’s Earth Month, we wanted to focus on the lesser known fourth R — Repurpose. The concept behind repurposing is simple; find another use for something that no longer functions in its original form. For example, what would you do with CDs that are too scratched to play? Our favorite idea is turning old CDs into colorful coasters. This project is simple, functional and only requires a few additional items. Best of all, you can personalize them to your own specific style. If you can’t make it to our crafty gathering at Bookmans Grant at 2:30 p.m. on April 29, we created these instructions to make them at home with your own stash of ancient CDs. (Remember those AOL 1000 free hours discs? We bet you still have some lying around somewhere.)
* Old or Scratched CDs or DVDs
* Scissors
* Paint Brush
* Felt
* Hot Glue gun
* Patterned Paper
* Outdoor Mod Podge (because it’s waterproof like a coaster should be)
Step 1. Cut a piece of felt in the shape of a CD.
Step 2. Hot glue the felt to the picture side of the CD.
Step 3. Trace around the CD on the back side of a piece of patterned paper.
Step 4. Flip the CD over and paint a thin layer of Mod Podge.
Step 5. Place paper on shiny side of the CD and paint another layer of Mod Podge on top.
Repeat with different pattered paper until you have a personalized set of coasters.
We told you it was simple! If you like the idea of repurposing CDs, check out our CD Suncatcher and Fishy Fun tutorials or our roundup of ideas to repurpose CDs. We know you are planet conscious so be sure to leave your recycled craft ideas in the comment section. Happy Earth Month!
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