Comics to Read Before Deadpool 2
If you haven’t seen someone cosplay as him or a trailer or, hell, pretty much anything else you can put a character on, you may want to check your surroundings. You either live under a rock or lead a miserable, cold, dark shell of an…
Weird Facts About Superman for His 80th Anniversary
The man of steel just turned 80 on April 18th and he still looks like a spring chicken. I don’t know what his secret is but clearly, he is doing something right. The man looks like he’s still in his 30’s! With 80 years under his…
Read Along With the Midtown Backroom Book Club
If you haven’t heard, Bookmans Midtown host a monthly book club in their totally-not-haunted-but-possibly-haunted basement. It’s the Bookmans Backroom Book Club! In this bibliophile meet up, members receive an employee discount on reading material AND nosh on free grub at meetings. Sounds like a pretty…
Evolution of Wonder Woman | From Amazon Princess to Warrior
“Beautiful as Aphrodite, wise as Athena, swifter than Hermes, and stronger than Hercules.” With these words Wonder Woman creator, William Moulton Marston set out to create the ultimate feminist icon. There were plenty of superheroes that were role models for boys, but what about girls? Great…
Evolution of Wonder Woman | From Amazon Princess to Warrior
“Beautiful as Aphrodite, wise as Athena, swifter than Hermes, and stronger than Hercules.” With these words Wonder Woman creator, William Moulton Marston set out to create the ultimate feminist icon. There were plenty of superheroes that were role models for boys, but what about girls? Great…
A Challenged Graphic Novel: Batman: The Killing Joke – Written by Paul Lee
I never realized that Batman: The Killing Joke was considered a challenged book. The comic book received the label because someone in Columbus, Nebraska asked for it to be removed from circulation. Fortunately, the library board voted to keep it. We like to include challenged books…
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