Reel Fun at Phoenix Film Festival
This year we are proud to continue our sponsorship of the Phoenix Film Festival. For one week each April, thousands of movie lovers descend upon the Harkins Scottsdale 101 Cine Capri to celebrate independent cinema. While we enjoy all the movies available to watch, what…
Meet Fairy Doors and Dinosaurs
Local art collective, Fairy Doors and Dinosaurs is a new business in the Valley of the Sun. We had the pleasure of working with them over the past few weeks at Bookmans Phoenix events. Co-owners Cory Lee and Jessica Evans are a power-packed duo. Jessica…
Earth-Friendly April at Bookmans
This month, Bookmans goes green — even more green than usual. Stop by every location for themed events intended to support and protect our environment. From recycled crafts with Girl Scouts to sustainable energy, don’t miss any of the Earth-friendly fun. Join us as we…
Middle Earth Magic at Bookmans Phoenix
Bookmans Phoenix celebrated Tolkien Reading Day at our Shindig in the Shire. Many attendees dressed for Middle Earth mirth including first and second breakfasts at the Prancing Pony and a cakewalk for trade credit at the Hobbiton Hoedown.
10 Reasons Why You Need Story Time
Story Time is a Bookmans staple. Every Bookmans Entertainment Exchange hosts a free, child-centered Story Time completely unique to the personality of that store. We do it because we love stories, we love sharing ideas and we love seeing your families. Beyond that story time…
Join Kids Club for Great Perks All Year Around
Hey kiddos, join the club of other young ‘uns taking charge of their Bookmans shopping experience. Buy what you want at prices your parents can’t say no to. Are you 12 and under? This is the club for you! Check out our video that paints…
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