Ultimate Movie Party: House Party
Once upon a time, a slightly goofy hip-hop duo (not the Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff) were the hottest thing in town. That time was the 1980s, and no teenager could escape the lure of Kid ‘n Play. Kid ‘n Play were absolutely everywhere…
Ultimate Movie Party: Marie Antoinette
Do you think that a truly great party deserves time, effort, and all you can give it to make it the best night ever? If you’re one to go above and beyond to show your friends a good time, this Ultimate Movie Party is for…
Ultimate Movie Party: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Time is fleeting, isn’t it? It’s almost astounding, really. Whatever happened Saturday nights that meant something? When madness takes its toll and you’ve just got to keep control, trade in the tired make-your-own-pizza party night at your house and jump to the left for once….
Ultimate Movie Party: True Romance
Welcome to the first edition of Ultimate Movie Party, Bookmans’ new blog about pairing an excellent movie with its soulmate party elements. Instead of just flopping on the couch for a run-of-the-mill movie night, celebrate your love of cinema by throwing the ultimate movie party…
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