Do You Know More About Pokemon Than Caity? The Answer is Always Yes!
Change My Mind: Pokémon Rules!
Starting with Red when I was six, I have played my way through every single generation of Pokémon. Pokémon will always have a special place in my heart, and it is a game that keeps getting better. I’ve spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours playing…
Pokémon GO: Gotta Catch ‘Em All Over Town! (Plus Do’s and Do Not’s)
You may have noticed more people than usual wandering aimlessly around town staring at their phones these past few days. This is because of the new phenomenon, Pokémon GO – a new Pokémon game for iOs and Android devices. It just came out and is…
Pokémon GO: Gotta Catch 'Em All Over Town! (Plus Do's and Do Not's)
You may have noticed more people than usual wandering aimlessly around town staring at their phones these past few days. This is because of the new phenomenon, Pokémon GO – a new Pokémon game for iOs and Android devices. It just came out and is…
Gotta Catch ‘Em All! Make Your Own Poké Ball
When Pokémon debuted in 1996 many people passed it off as a fad that would soon fade. Eighteen years later, the brand proves itself to be as beloved today as it was all those years ago. Between the T.V. series, card games, movies, video games,…
Gotta Catch 'Em All! Make Your Own Poké Ball
When Pokémon debuted in 1996 many people passed it off as a fad that would soon fade. Eighteen years later, the brand proves itself to be as beloved today as it was all those years ago. Between the T.V. series, card games, movies, video games,…
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