What is the English translation of Pokemon?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the fastest rock type Pokemon?

Correct! Wrong!

What Pokemon was originally going to be the franchise mascot before Pikachu was chosen?

Correct! Wrong!

Who are members of team Rocket?

Correct! Wrong!

MewTwo first appeared in what Pokemon property?

Correct! Wrong!

Which Pokemon are born already pregnant? Poor things.

Correct! Wrong!

What is Pokemon?

Correct! Wrong!

How many species of Pokemon are there?

Correct! Wrong!

What two Pokemon can de-evolve?

Correct! Wrong!

Where are Pokemon held captive by their masters?

Correct! Wrong!

What does Caity have no time for?

Correct! Wrong!

Do You Know More About Pokemon Than Caity? The Answer is Always Yes!
You know the most!

Congrats! You clearly know more than Caity about Pokemon! Really it's not that hard since she gives literally zero *you know whats* about this franchise. Seriously she's so useless, you should have her job!
You're a Pokemon Master! Whatever that is!

You clearly know more than that big ol' dumb-dumb Caity but probably not more than her 7-year-old nephew who wont shut up about it. Like we get it dude Charmander is the tallest fire type starter Pokemon. Like can't we just chill and watch CoCo? But hey we all have our strengths! 🤷
You barely know more than Caity. Like why are you even here?

I mean I guess you did better than some? Maybe. That's okay you and Caity can both enjoy your Pokemon ignorance together.