Read With Pride: Hot New Titles in June
June is Pride month. A month designed for the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community as a social group. Having both inner and outer pride in who you are and who you love, as opposed to shame and…
5 Essential LGBTQ+ Kids Books to Celebrate Diversity
Happy Pride Month, Arizona! It wasn’t too long ago that LGBTQ+ kids and teen books were unheard of. You probably would’ve gotten many strange looks if you came into a store looking for them back then. We are so fortunate to live in a society…
Read With Pride for Pride Month!
June is Pride Month! Many people express and show their support for the LGBTQAI+ communities all year long, but June is a great time to amplify that support. One of the major ways that support can extend further is to share books and films that…
Summertime is Officially in Session at Bookmans!
June means different things to different people. For kids, it’s the end of school; for teens, it’s all about being social and having fun. Adults are looking for a reprieve from the heat and some warm weather things to do to keep the summer exciting….
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