An Anti-Racist Media Resource Guide
We’re using the Bookmans’ platform to elevate Black voices in our community and beyond. The following is a media resource guide compiled by Bookmans employees that address racial justice, systemic racism, police brutality, and white supremacy. Let’s take a step toward anti-racism, listen, and learn. …
Pandemic: Books Recs for a Quarantine
Do you really know what is contagious during a pandemic? Paranoia. The fear of contracting a disease or being around those that may or may not be afflicted. Many have either read about or watched films based on world epidemics and pandemics; now we are…
How I Took Charge of My TBR
Summer is coming to a close, and it’s that time to take a look at your “To Be Read” list and see if you are where you want to be going into fall. I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t read as much as…
How To: Take a Reading Vacation
If you’ve never taken a vacation that is totally focused on reading but totally want to, this is the blog for you! I’m one of those people that live and breathe by their planner. I’m sort of, kind of, really obsessed. It’s color-coded, doodled in, extremely…
The Great American Read: The Search for America’s Favorite Book
When it comes to books, there’s no harm in playing favorites, right? We all have a list of books that loom large in our hearts, but can one book be America’s favorite? That’s exactly what PBS aims to find out with The Great American Read!
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