Think You Know Titanic?
In which country was the Titanic manufactured?
The RMS Titanic was built in Belfast, Ireland (and there is a really neat museum dedicated to the ship that you should go to)!
In the 1997 movie "Titanic", with what card hand did Jack win tickets for Titanic's maiden voyage?
"I'm sorry, you're not gonna see your mom again for a long time, 'cause we're going to America, full house boys! Wohoo!"
Jack Dawson sure could dress well. Where was he from?
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin to be exact.
What is the name of Rose’s maid?
Good ol' Trudy Bolt.
Who played the role of the unsinkable Molly Brown in the film?
If you want to see more of Miss Molly Brown, there is a 1964 comedy musical called The Unsinkable Molly Brown, starring Debbie Reynolds, that is totally worth watching.
After dinner, Jack hands Rose a note. What does it say?
This little scene gives me goosebumps. I adore this movie!
Many directors like to make cameo appearances in their films. How many times does James Cameron appear on film in "Titanic?"
Twice! One in the dancing party scene and another waiting to get on a lifeboat.
What was James Cameron's actual salary for directing Titanic?
During the filming, the team ran over budget, and Cameron decided to not take a salary. That, of course, changed when the film ended up making $2.187 billion.
Which person actually drew the pictures seen in Jack’s sketchbook?
During the drawing scene, you are actually looking at Cameron's hands while he draws Rose.
As Rose and Jack meet at the Grand Staircase near the conclusion of the film, the clock is set to the time of the actual sinking of the Titanic. What time is displayed?
This is another reason why I love Titanic so much! There are so many little hidden details throughout the film. A lot of care and love was put into creating it.
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I got the factual answers right. Missed the ones about the movie which I was not a great fan of. Ever notice her eyes were brown at one point in the movie and blue in another? Didn’t they hear about contacts to keep things consistent?!
Any idea of when you may reopen?