Winner Wednesday Giveaway – Ariana Grande: Dangerous Woman Tour | Bookmans
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Calling all those with musical inclinations! Ariana Grande is coming to Phoenix with her Dangerous Woman Tour and it’s not to be missed. Ariana Grande has accomplished great musical feats in her 23 years. As (literally) one of the strongest voices of her generation, she has become a leading lady of song. Experience her incredible talent at Talking Stick Resort Arena on Thursday, February 2nd at 7:30 p.m. From her pop debut, “Yours Truly” to her hit single, “The Way,” you will be singing along all night. Tickets start at $45, but not to worry. This Winner Wednesday we give away two tickets for a night on the town with Ariana Grande.
Assuming the role of pop’s next great female vocalist, Ariana Grande has delighted fans around the world. In only 12 short months, her two albums have catapulted to the top of the charts. Yours Truly peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and sealed Grande’s status as an American music icon. Her hit single “Popular Song,” was even featured on the hit series, Dancing With The Stars. Although her albums are wildly popular, nothing can beat one of Ariana Grande’s show-stopping live performances – this is your chance to see her on the Dangerous Woman tour.
To enter our Winner Wednesday giveaway, tell us in our comment section about your favorite great lady of song. Whether you are enamored with the glorious presence of Beyoncé, the pop-tastic voice of Christina Aguilera, the classic tunes of Billie Holiday or the powerful pipes of Tina Turner, let us know who you love. We will select a winner using We’ll allow 24 hours for commenting. Winners will be notified by e-mail by 12pm on Thursday the 2nd. Comments are moderated and may take some time to appear. Please do not resubmit your comments — one is plenty.
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My favorite is Adele..we first had the chance to see her at the Marquee in Tempe when she first started out..she was humble, sweet and genuine…she still has these qualities today when you see her interviews and concerts.
My favorite all time pop singer is Ariana Grande, she is the most inspiring woman artist out there for my age. I’ve been listening to her on YouTube before she became famous. I really do hope I get to meet my idol soon !! Thank you for this opportunity ❤
My Favorite Singer is Aretha Franklin. She is the Queen of Soul and a true Singer. From her hits that include RESPECT, You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman, and my favorite I Never Loved A Man the Way I Love You. She has been and still seems to be a force of nature in the Gospel, Soul , Grammy Winning World. Over the year, I have included her songs in quite a few power point presentations for my family and she’s perhaps the voice in my head sometimes when I sing as I go about my day!!
My favorite is Ariana Grande, her side to side song makes me feel alive, energetic and younger haha. I hope i get to see her live. Thank you bookmans!
My favorite singer is Grace Potter, amazing songs with an amazing voice. Thanks for the contest
PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! my best friend surprised me with tickets the last time Ariana was here and I would love to do the same for her this time. We would love to see her tomorrow!!!!
My favorite lady that I grew up with was Cyndi Lauper. Nothing quite like her singing to songs in the Goonies!
Stevie Nicks, hands down
Ariana Grande is my hands down favorite artist ever. Love her so much and I know every single song by heart. From The Way, to Problem and now Dangerous Woman omg!!! ?? She’s honestly my favorite human in the world because of her songs. She makes songs that are super relatable and that are real and genuine. That’s why she’s my favorite lady of song! ?
My favorite singer isTristan Prettyman, very soulful and great to see in a live setting