Bookmans Top 10 Best Sellers
To help customers celebrate their love of reading, we polled our employees to create a list of Bookmans Top 10 Best Sellers for this year. These books have already made a big impact in 2015 or continue to ride their best-selling tide. These books are what you, your neighbors and your friends ask for at our customer service desk. In true Bookmans fashion, these aren’t in any particular order and the list best reflects Bookmans Speedway because that’s where we did the poll.
The first books on the list are nonfiction, proving Arizonans love true stories. There is no story like one that actually happened.
American Sniper by Chris Kyle
This tale of former U.S. Navy Seal and incredibly accurate sniper Chris Kyle was made more popular by the release of the movie of the same name. Kyle’s struggle to balance his family life with saving the lives of his comrades makes this book a tough, but engrossing read.
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
Also adapted for the big screen, Unbroken covers a 1943 Army Air Force bomber crash and the trials of the survivors. This story of survival is one of the longest running New York Times bestsellers of all time.
Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
Brown spins the tale of the 1936 Washington University’s eight-oar crew’s try for Olympic gold. Americans love stories of working class people beating the odds and were captured by the story as it happened, just as we’re captured by the story today.
Killing Lincoln co-authored by Bil O’Reilly and Martin Dugard
Killing Lincoln explores the tragic assassination of one of America’s most beloved leaders.
Wild by Cheryl Strayed
This memoir is Strayed’s account of her 1,100 hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. The story was also made into a movie.
Ghost Boy by Martin Pistorius
Ghost Boy is a personal account of a young man’s struggle inside his own body. Literally trapped inside his body, Pistorius describes his experience and how his faith carried him through to his release from the mysterious paralysis.
Truths are also revealed in fiction. These stories speak to our basic human nature and remind us of what’s important in life.
The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman
This psychological thriller tells the tale of one couple’s search for happiness. The movie is slated for release later this year.
Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Goldfinch is the story of an orphaned boy’s attempt to survive the loss of his mother. This book won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2014.
50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James
It should surprise no one that we still receive requests for 50 Shades. Not only has this erotic romance been a national best seller for a long while, but the movie has been greatly anticipated.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbird has always been a steady seller and was given new life when it was announced that the sequel, which Lee reportedly wrote before she wrote To Kill a Mockingbird, was slated for release. The book world is buzzing about this news as Lee is both reclusive and living with dementia.
Based on this list of most requested titles at Bookmans Speedway, we conclude that movies and the news continue to drive the interest of readers. We had a little fun and asked our staff what they wish folks would ask for. Watch for our post about the secret wishes of the Bookmans Speedway employees.
* Bookmans can not guarantee stock. If there is a specific item mentioned in this post that you are interested in, give your favorite Bookmans location a call and a staff member will be happy to assist you.
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