Find the Weird and Wonderful at Bookmans Speedway
Bookmans Speedway created a new Weird and Wonderful section and you can’t miss it! Greeting you at the entrance is a brand new display, our Cool New Arrivals/Weird and Wonderful. Like our customers, these hand picked titles represent the best of the best. Our discerning buyers remain on the look out for unusual and unique items to add to our eclectic inventory. In every corner of our store, you can find something fabulous and while browsing is half the fun, but we brought the best front and center.
On this display you will find titles that, while not necessarily new, are absolute treasures. Want to learn something new? Looking for that perfect addition to your library, maybe you need that perfect coffee table book to leave casually lying about to intrigue your friends? We have the one of a kind treasures your friends will envy and you can’t resist. Don’t loan them out, you might not get them back!
This week on our Weird and Wonderful shelves is Barbara Ninde Byfield’s The Book of Weird (perfect, right?). This work is subtly subtitled, Being a Most Desirable Lexicon of the Fantastical, Wherein Kings, Dragons, Trolls and Vampires, to Say Nothing of Elves and Gnomes, Queens, Knaves and Werewolves Are Made Manifest and Many, Many Further Revelations of the Mystical Order of Things Brought to Light. Can you imagine what the text is like inside the covers of this book? It is illustrated by the author with richly expressive pictures that bring the weird to life.
Super Graphic by Tim Leong is a visual guide to the comic book universe and wonderfully illustrated. It provides information like how long characters stay dead, the character kingdom, changes is costume color and the difference between cosplay and crossplay. This is a must have for ComiCon regulars.
Those who like having things explained, can grab The Where the When and the How with a foreword by David Macaulay and written by 75 artists who illustrate wondrous mysteries of science. Scatterbrain, edited by Phil D. Amara and Scott Stuart Allie, is a brilliant, full-color comic anthology and the brain child of multiple illustrators and writers.
You’ll find too many unusual and intriguing titles in our Weird and Wonderful section and we couldn’t possibly describe them all. Stop into Bookmans Speedway and have a gander at our Cool Arrivals/Weird and Wonderful display. Watch out, you might fill your basket before you get past it!
* Bookmans is your store to explore. You can enjoy an afternoon browsing our shelves for the weird and wonderful, but if you’re looking for a specific title, please feel free to call ahead. We’ll be happy to check our shelves for you and place an item on temporary hold.
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