Well Read Women | Bookmans
As we continue to move into 2017, we thought it important to remember a few of the great works of feminist fiction and non-fiction that have blossomed to light in 2016 that serve as great recommends for the new year. It’s a blooming time for feminine power, acceptance and stance. Last year we said goodbye to some phenomenal women, but all is not lost. We’ve also been gifted with great works for women and men alike. The titles we mention below are only a few stars among a galaxy, so we encourage dipping your toes further into the pool and finding others, but start with these. They’ll have you howling with laughter, crying in fury but also you’ll find sparks of knowledge you might otherwise have overlooked. Enjoy!
A book we’ve seen fly off our shelves is Future Sex by Emily Witt and also, a personal favorite of this reader. Witt explores the world of sexual lives of modern women. Online dating, promiscuity among groups of friends and even the courage/fear/angst of walking into a bar alone are all topics we delve into in this easy-to-read monologue. Witt sticks to the facts and states the sex lives of women simply as they are. This isn’t a dirty memoir of back alley flings, it’s an open and honest account of what sexuality has evolved into. With only 224 pages this is a great 2-3 day read if you’re just looking to expose yourself to the now booming genre of women and how they feel.
After her well received novel, Americanah, Chimamanda Adichie blesses us with her nonfiction title, We Should All Be Feminists. Originally from Enugu, Nigeria she offers a cultural perspective of the role of women around the world and the divide that negatively affects both sexes from her unique point of view. She talks about the negative views on the word “feminist” and why now, more than ever, we need to bring it to light. Not only talking about women but the divide of rolls both male and female and not only in Nigeria but America and the world. Adichie gives us food for thought in an intelligent but not “preachy” argument for a better future.
Another notable woman is Mindy Kaling with her title Why not me? It’s highly probable that you’ve laughed so hard you’ve wet your pants while watching her show The Mindy Project and her New York Times best seller Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? was absolutely to die for, so with this new title we had the highest of expectations and Kaling delivered with a gold star. We don’t want to divulge all the juicy details about this one but Mindy Kaling writes with an open, self assured style that not only has you questioning yourself and how you interact with other women but also wishing you were best friends with her. With topics like body issues, race, challenges in the film industry as a woman and alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol, it’s easy to resonate with and fall in love; not mention you’ll roll on the floor laughing.
Our favorite feminist fiction from this year was Michelle Tea’s Black Wave. While it’s no secret this reader likes to fill the void with post-apocalyptic fiction with a ravenous and starved hunger, this book blew the top off. Full of everything we love about Michelle Tea in a fictionalized manner, she writes another beautiful memoir-esque beauty. After waking up to discover there’s been a world wide announcement stating in one year the world will end her life in Los Angeles hits the fan. Imagine the things you’d feel and the experiences you’d want to live while you had the chance; discover the possibilities in this story that’s written in the raw and edgy voice we love from Michelle Tea.
Last but certainly not least on our list is a book for old and young readers alike. The world for women is a daily challenge but one we’re slowly facing and conquering. With this book of feminist folk tales we escape into a world of daily empowerment. Kamala: Feminist Folk Tales From Around the World edited by Ethel Johnston Phelps is a book chalk full of stories to encourage and lift your spirits. This is the second book of tales to be released by Phelps because the first was just so darn good. With 12 tales that will surely make your heart warm and bring a smile to your face we recommend this book for every birthday gift ever.
There was a lot of loss last year and many more trials to come but with such an array of titles to inspire, bond and break the barriers of womanhood, there can be triumph. There are numerous other titles we could have gone into in this article and it was only fore mere lack of time that we couldn’t give the dish on all of them. Be sure to check out our display books where we highlight these fine titles or feel free to ask a Bookmans employee to recommend a few. We delight in putting our favorite books into the hands of others.
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