Win Big with Mesa’s “The Great Geek Giveaway”
According to Urban Dictionary “geeking out” is when one likes to “spend an amount of time discussing geekish things with other geeks or to participate in geeky undertakings and pastimes with one or more other geeks.” Let’s face it, we all have those things that make us geek out. You’re a member of the club too. Enjoy fumbling through a new book? What about powering up with the latest video game? Like debating whether or not to open that new toy? What about collecting unusual tchotchkes? It’s your geek out, and you like what you like. We understand that. We truly believe that geeking out is half the fun and we’d like to help you take it to the next boss level with a Great Geek Giveaway at Bookmans Mesa!
May is Geeking Out Month at our stores, and we have designed a prize package that is made for YOU! This prize package will include a gift card to any Harkins Theater for a showing of “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” some incredible Bookmans swag, AND a RAD OOAK Bookmans Trophy that you can show off and brag to your favorite Wookie and co-pilot about.
Whether you travel via invisible plane, mini warp pipe, teleportation, or Tardis, all you have to do is stop into Bookmans Mesa and enter to win anytime between May 1st and May 20th (Be sure to check for updates and pictures on our Twitter @BookmansMesa). You must be 13 and over to enter. We will choose the grand prize winner on May 20th. Winner will receive the good news via email that afternoon.
What are you waiting for?! Stop in the store and get entered to win today! Be sure to check out ALL of the events going on at your favorite Bookmans location here!
Good luck everyone and May The Force Be With You!
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