5 Books For An Inspiring Sagittarius Season
Winter is here (almost officially) and that means its Sagittarius season! With December now in full swing that also means a new moon cycle has come to ruin all of our lives, especially since mercury is still in retrograde. Give us a break already, right? As the moon joined the sun in Sagittarius on the 7th, it marked new beginnings and stimulated creative projects this month. It also marked the last lunar cycle of 2018. Seriously, where did the year go? That being said, now is the time to start that creative endeavor you’ve been putting off all month.
Sagittarius is a large-hearted, optimistic sign of curious travelers. This month, it’s time to start looking towards the future, making new plans, and really listening to your gut intuition. Be daring. Be bold. But, remember to be patient and kind, because you may have to cash in on that holiday karma before the year is done.
So, to help you and all your Sagittarius friends this December here are five books to appeal to your inner freedom loving, traveling, confident self.
Go! How to Get Going and Achieve Your Goals and Dreams by Marcia K. Morgan
It only seemed right to start this list off with this book. Marica Morgan was recently at our Midtown location promoting and signing copies of her new book, Go! She gave the most inspiring talk about her four easy and fun steps to helping you recover your dreams and moving forward by creating special objects to represent your goals. We loved having her hang out with us.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo
This is the perfect story of the glory of traveling and learning from the world. Following Santiago, a shepherd boy, who has always dreamed of traveling in search of the world’s riches. What he finds is an adventure, unlike anything he can imagine. This is a story about following your dreams and a perfect read for setting yourself back on the right path.
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
Looking for an inspiring and honest discussion about the creative process to help you get the mood to create? Look no further than Big Magic. Gilbert has a straight to the point, no-nonsense way of getting readers to say buh-bye to the melodrama and unrealistic expectations that come with living a creative lifestyle.
The Frontman by Ron Bahar
Inspired by his own life, Bahar weaves a tale of following your dreams while making a few mistakes along the way with this inspiring fictionalized memoir. Ron Bahar, total relation, is stuck between living the life his parents would like him to lead and the exciting life he wants to lead. This is the book for the happy, creative, adventurous Sagittarius in all of us.
Gmorning, G’night: Little Pep Talks for Me & You by Lin Manuel Miranda (Illustrated by Jonny Sun)
“Good morning. Do NOT get stuck in the comments section of life today. Make, do, create the things. Let others tussle it out. Vamos!”
Based off Lin Manuel Miranda’s incredibly inspiring twitter account, Miranda has compiled all his best affirmations and paired them with the illustrations of Jonny Sun for this little book of pick-me-ups that we all need every once in a while.
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