Adventures in Listening | Summer Roadtrip
Summer is here and ’tis the season…for road trips! Arizona is just the spot to explore historic landmarks, scenic views, hidden ghost towns and majestic sunsets. Whether you’re taking a day trip or driving a week on an iconic highway, Bookmans has your road trip music supply covered. Our CD collections are a well-curated songfest of travel music memories. No road trip is complete without the perfect playlist, so the first stop on said journey should definitely be Bookmans. We are the place to pick up music that will complete your traveling soundtrack. Check out the following selections, then get out of town and explore the outdoors with righteous tunes. Be sure to stop in to one of our locations along the way, conveniently located all around Arizona. Today, we are highlighting a few tunes to add to your list (if you haven’t already.)
Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
This is a great tune to start out a road trip (especially if you are going to Alabama or Arkansas.) This song’s folkish-rock & roll-gospel sound gives a soulful vibe to your driving time. The whole album itself is a great set of songs to keep your brain Sharpe (pun intended) while getting to your destination.
I’ve Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash
Oh Johnny who art in heaven, you truly have been everywhere. This song is a perfect tune/game for when you’ve been on the road for a bit and the scenery loses its…. scenery. “I’ve Been Everywhere” lists, literally, everywhere he has traveled to. Well actually, its everywhere the Canadian country singer Hank Snow has traveled to. He adapted the song in 1962 to include North America. The song originally listed Australian towns because its very first version was written by an Australian country singer. Get ready to hit repeat a few times; It is a bit of a brain twist remembering them all (and in the right order), so be sure to do some thinking riddles or something to warm up.Love Shack by the B-52’s
This song is great for the moment you realize you have had way too much gas station coffee and need to sing away those jitters. Actually, this entire album is a great way to give your adventure an upbeat vibe. Tunes like “Roam” and its killer guitar intro can really energize the start of your drive. The last song “Follow your Bliss” is totally instrumental and can make you feel like you’re in a movie. A little trivia to take with you: Before she was an infamous drag queen, Ru paul was one of the dancers in the music video for “Love Shack.” She has big hair and is wearing a white jumpsuit. Rumor has it that the members formed the band while working together at a laundry mat.
When you are almost to your destination and only have a few miles left, it is time to blast this tune. These guys were a pretty big deal in the ’90s. Anyone who already knows this song could agree that it is the most contagious race to the finish song. Honestly, you could just listen to the entire album for a part of your trip. This is a good mix of mellow, break up, happy, funny, surly, funky, dancing, karaoke song goodness. Yep, it’s that mix – more than a few songs tell stories with choruses that sound like catch phrases (the song ‘Short Skirt, Long Jacket’ talks about how he meets his perfect girl at Citi Bank while borrowing her pen). This album could lead to some great inside humor with your bestie while one the road. Take this fun fact with you: Their song ‘Daria’ inspired the classic ’90s MTV cartoon entitled, naturally, Daria.
Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell on Audiobook
Okay, okay, I know this isn’t a Music CD. But sometimes the songs can all start to sound the same when you’re driving a long way! So throw in an EPIC, like the audiobook Gone with the Wind. If you have not seen the movie, no problem! It’s a fascinating read…er…listen.
Get out there and explore our beautiful state this summer! We suggest coming by or calling one of our Bookmans locations to see what new listening ventures we might have to get you ready to be “on the road again.” Willie Nelson approves.
*Bookmans is your store to explore. We can’t guarantee stock, so if you are interested in one of the albums mentioned, please give us a call and we’ll check our orange shelves for you.
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