Blast to the Past with #MOVIEMADNESS
The ’90s were the years that gave me all my childhood memories! Being a kid that grew up in the ’90s was like enjoying the best of two worlds. I got to watch all the cool ’80s movies on repeat with my older siblings and I also got to collect all the best ’90s films on VHS. As a side note, I can probably still recite most lines to said films, just in case that skill is ever in demand. If you didn’t grow up in either of these two decades, you may never know the real torture of waiting for a VHS tape to rewind before getting to watch your favorite movie. Not to worry, I’m here to help. You can still enjoy these classic works of cinematic art from the ’80s and ’90s. Behold, these are a few of my favorite movies from my ’90s childhood!
Space Jam is still a classic. The Looney Tunes must win a basketball match, so they set off to seek the help of basketball champion, Michael Jordan. The movie is a mix between cartoon and live action starring both basketball player Michael Jordan, Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes crew.
The Little Rascals. Released: 1994
“What’s the number to 911?” Remember being a kid and believing that boys were responsible for serious outbreaks of cooties? This is a movie full of shenanigans from the funniest little group of monkey business aficionados. When they find out that Alfalfa is in love with their schoolmate, Darla, they come to the conclusion that something must be done.
I had to include this one in honor of my older siblings. It doesn’t get much more classic than this. If you know this movie, then you know the truffle shuffle! This movie is centered around an adventure started by two brothers who found out they might have to move due to a bad financial situation. In hopes of saving their home, they gather the neighborhood gang to pursue a fabled treasure.
Whatever your childhood era, we hope you enjoy these classic ’80s & ’90s selections! Be sure to stop by your local Bookmans location to check out our stock of DVDs, BluRays and (true to form) VHS. Our friendly staff members are always happy to you find anything your heart desires. Until we meet again, stay rad.
*Bookmans is your store to explore. We can’t guarantee stock, so if you are interested in one of the DVDs, BluRays or VHS tapes mentioned, please give us a call and we’ll check our orange shelves for you.
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