Bookmans Celebrates Will Eisner Week!
“Will Eisner Week is held every March celebrating comics, graphic novel literacy, free speech, and the legacy of Will Eisner. Will Eisner Week is one of our favorite celebration weeks of the year. Not only does it allow us to spotlight some of our favorite works of sequential art including graphic novels and manga, but we get to share them with you! Each year, the team at Will Eisner Week Official brings the world fun and education through comics and graphic novels. Libraries, bookstores, and schools are all important resource spaces for sharing the importance and legacy of the art form while showing some love for the pioneer himself.
Bookmans Phoenix: Kids Make a Comic Book, March 4
Bookmans East: Will Eisner Week Celebration, March 1-7
Bookmans Flagstaff: Will Eisner Week Comic Strips, March 1-8
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