Buddha, Birds and the Joker in Tarot
The history of Tarot, both its origins and the term itself, is as mysterious as is the future it foretells. With Halloween, All Saints Day and Day of the Dead being celebrated, October is the perfect time to explore the mysterious and Bookmans Speedway has a magical selection of tarot cards in all types and for all tastes.
The French word “tarot” derives from the Italian tarocchi, which has no known origin. We know tarot as a pack of cards, usually numbering 78, popularized in the mid-15th century for game play, and since the 18th century used by mystics to foretell the future or to grow spiritually. The first documented tarot cards were created between 1430 and 1450. Originally, they were hand-painted and, being precious and mysterious, remained the privilege of the wealthy. The Church had no prohibition against the use of the cards except as a means of gambling. Still one Dominican priest claimed the cards were inherently evil.
Today, tarot remains relevant for many. Modern artists create breathtaking cards in a variety of styles to reflect a myriad of belief systems. Tarot is no longer restricted to one of the most common and original decks, the Rider-Waite Deck. This classic deck was illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith upon the instruction of occultist and mystic Arthur Edward Waite and was first published by the Rider Company in 1910. We have come a long way since then. Our Bird Signs Deck features images and wisdom from our feathered friends, written by G. G. Carbone and illustrated by Mary Ruzicka. If you are practicing Wicca, we have the Faery Wicca Tarot, a journey to the enchanted land of Faery, or the Wicca Deck by renowned author Sally Morningstar and illustrated by Danuta Mayer. The collection includes the 42 card deck and a text to help you develop your latent intuitive skills and discover Wiccan wisdom with key Wiccan symbols and archetypes.
Doreen Virtue created the Angel Therapy Oracle deck with 44 angel cards to help you grow with the help of angel wisdom. Wisdom cards are an affirmation deck created by the author Louise L. Hay and the Spa Deck includes 50 recipes of relaxation and rejuvenation. The Buddha Tarot by Robert M. Place is a combination of Buddhism and tarot where the major arcana parallel the symbols of Siddhartha’s journey to enlightenment. For something more lighthearted, try the Boyfriend Training Flashcards, which include 50 love lessons.
It would be wonderful to have one of the original historic, hand-painted Tarot decks, but we are lucky to have a wide selection of Tarot cards to choose from in modern times. Choose yours today at Bookmans Speedway and get started on your path to magical enlightenment.
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