Fight Censorship and Have Fun with Bookmans in September!
This Fight Censorship Month Bookmans is incredibly excited to celebrate our freedom to read and appreciate art in all its forms in September! We’re also thrilled to host and participate in so many great events within the communities we serve. No matter your age or interest, there are amazing events coming your way all month long at your local Bookmans!
One of the highlights of our campaigns is our storewide Blind Date with a Banned Book displays. These displays feature pre-wrapped books, all of which have been banned or challenged. You may be surprised at what you unwrap! From Harry Potter to The Hate U Give, reading banned books means having the freedom to read what you choose!
To keep the Banned Book theme going, Bookmans East will take their painting event to new places with Studio Nights: Banned Books. Bookmans Phoenix is challenging you to a Banned Book Trivia Night. Bookmans Northwest has an event for the whole family with Banned Book and Censorship Awareness Month Family Craft. If you’re the crafty type, you’ll want to RSVP to the Collage Cut + Paste Phoenix’s Banned Books crafting event at Bookmans Mesa. Don’t miss the chance to win a banned book of your very own from Bookmans Flagstaff with their Banned Book Week Giveaway!
The always popular Studio Nights: Paint Edition is coming to the Phoenix store on September 15th. In Tucson but still want to paint? Bookmans Northwest and Bookmans Midtown each have Studio Nights: Paint Edition events on September 7th and September 21st! Mesa is saying goodbye to summer Studio Nights: Paint Edition Fall Frolic on September 27th! Be sure to get your reservations in early to claim your seats!
Did you know that everyone can celebrate Tolkien Week in September? Bookmans wants to get in on the Hobbit fun with a Lord of the Rings Craft day! The Arizona Curriculum Theater is bringing all that theatrical spectacle to Bookmans Mesa with Mary Shelley’s Dream on September 28th. Seats are limited, so you will want to arrive early for this free theatrical event.
Gamers, mark those calendars for an all-out Video Game Tournament the 15th with Super Smash Bros. on the WiiU. There’s also Super Smash Bros. Saturday at Bookmans East and the Super Smash Bros. Melee at Midtown on Sept 8th. Board gamer enthusiasts, mark those calendars for an all-out Tabletop Game Night with Arizona Game Fair on the 20th. Of course, if you’re in Tucson, swing by East for Board Game Night on September 14th.
Love music and want to celebrate it? Bookmans Midtown is having a swinging Social Spin hosted by the Vinyl Preservation Society on Sept 19th and DJ Circuitous Vibes is coming down to spin some sounds at their Ambient Salon on the 15th. If you’re more of a musician than a DJ, check out our Ukulele Jamboree and Ukulele Party at Phoenix and Mesa with Kehau Kuhi! Up in Flag, musician Steve Conrad is hosting their Ukulele Jamboree. Local musical talent Simon Wong will be hanging out at Mesa, and Chicks with Picks is heading to Phoenix, and Craig Yarbrough will be jamming with Flag on September 12th. It’s the coolest way to discover local musicians you’ll love!
Keep the magic of reading alive with author Mike MacDee where he’ll be signing copies of his new book Kingdom of Famine. In Tucson, the Northwest store is hosting a Local Author Fair. Author Gemma Lauren Krebs will be at Midtown to sign her new book. The Read Freely Local Author Fair features some writing talent from around town that you’re going to want to get to know.
It is definitely festival season in Flagstaff! Bookmans is excited to head to both Pickin’ in the Pines Festival and the Big Pine Comedy Festival. We are so glad to bring our Kids Zone fun to the Pickin’ in the Pines Festival, and we’ve got so much fun in store for the young music fans among us. The Flagstaff crew will also be at the Big Pine Comedy Festival! We’ll be supporting childhood literacy with Children’s Book Reading. Have you been bitten by the comedy writing bug? We’re happy to present Billy O’Connor’s That Sentence Sucks Writing Workshop.
CocoNuts Robotics Team is heading to Bookmans Flagstaff on September 24 to help teens design and build their own robots at Teen Cafe: Robot Racing. Your teens are definitely going to want to sign up for that! They may also want to get their Pokemon game on with Bookmans. AZ Team Rocket will be on hand twice this month at Mesa for Pokemon League on September 9th and 23rd. You can get in on all the catch-em-all action at East’s Pokemon Pileup on September 7th and 22nd. There’s also 3 Pokemon Meet-Ups at Bookmans Midtown on September 9th, 16th, and 30th!
And of course, Bookmans wants you to fill your home with happiness, and that’s why we are welcoming local pet adoption event with the Coconino Humane Association at Bookmans Flag. Bookmans East is welcoming three local pet adoptions for their Meet Your New Best Friend Adoption Event!
Phew! That’s a whole lot of events! Believe it or not, there are even more that we didn’t list! Be sure to check back in with our events calendar regularly so you never miss a fun, free event at Bookmans!
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