Freebie Friday: Arizona State Fair and More! From Bookmans
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You may have noticed that the Arizona State Fair has come back into town this October. Maybe you really want to go, but just can’t find the extra funds. Wouldn’t it be great if you and three of your closest friends or family could go for free? How about if you could go for free, and enjoy a show from Gavin Degraw and Andy Grammer? Well you’re in luck, because Bookmans just so happens to have four passes for admission and four passes to the concert for you, absolutely free! What do you need to do to obtain these fair tickets? Keep on reading and you will soon find out.
Originally the fair opened its doors in 1884, but has been at the same location every year since 1905. 132 years later the Arizona State Fair is still one of the best attractions that comes into town year after year. There has been plenty of famous sightings at our fair including performances by Elvis Presley, Jimmy Hendrix and Nirvana. Joining the ranks this year are none other than Gavin Degraw known for his hits I Don’t Want To Be and Not Over You, and Andy Gammer who has graced the airwaves with such hits as Honey, I’m Good and Keep Your Head Up. If you are interested in seeing them live, and enjoy some good old fashioned fair food, then comment and let us know these three things:
What your favorite ride at the fair is, which Gavin Degraw or Andy Grammer song tickles your fancy and what new fair food are you most looking forward to trying this year.
On this Freebie Friday, answer us these three questions and you could be the lucky winner of not one, but four passes for admission to the Arizona State Fair, and four tickets to see Gavin Degraw and Andy Grammer live in concert 10/28. Take a deep breath, this is real! Comment down below with your answers, and good luck to all.
Winners are chosen using We will allow 24 hours for commenting and winners will be notified via email on Saturday, October 22nd. Comments are moderated and may take some time to appear. Please do not resubmit your comments — one is plenty.
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My favorite ride at the fair would have to be the water ride because it is really fun to just come down and get all soaked and it’s fun. My favoite song by both of them is Not over you by Gain DeGraw and Honey, I’m good by Andy Grammer. The food that I’m looking forward to this year is trying the turkey leg. I always her about it but have never actually tried it.
Favorite Ride – Mini Bumper Cars
Favorite Gavin DeGraw Song – I Don’t Wanna Be
Favorite New Food – Deep Fried PB&J Cheesecake
I’ve never been to the state fair so I couldn’t possibly tell you my favorite ride or food. However, I’m a single mom who wants to let my daughter discover everything the world has to offer. Fairs included! I am however a huge gavin DeGraw fan. Charity and I don’t want to be are my absolute favorite songs of his.
Song: Honey, I’m good
Ride: insanity
Food: turkey legs
My favorite ride at the fair is the Ferris wheel, of course! I love getting to see the sights from above it all! My favorite Gavin Degraw song is “She Sets the City on Fire”. As far as fair new food, I am most looking forward to trying the Mowie Wowie Pineapple Bowl! It looks scrumptious!
My favorite ride is the Ferris wheel because it’s low key and doesn’t get you sick after eating all of the fair food
Forgot to add that Sweeter is my favorite Gavin Degraw song and I want to try the bacon wrapped French toast bombs
My favorite fair ride is the mini Ferris wheel, my favorite Andy Grammar song is Keep your Head Up, and I want to try the deep fried butter this year.
Unfortunately the contest has been closed for some time now, we are so sorry. Follow us on any of our social media feeds to get in on the next one! Thanks Bre!