Geek Out with Bookmans
The best part about geeking out is that you can geek out about anything. Literally. Everybody has a different passion and celebrates that love in unique ways. With so many means of geek-ery, it is impossible to run out of things to keep your interests piqued.
We pride ourselves on being an outlet for people to support their geek habits. We cover the needs of just about any geek out there. Whether you are looking to read up on a subject, have an all day movie binge or are searching for an obscure vintage video game, we most likely have something you’ll want.
With such an assorted array of products, we attract a diverse group of people to our stores. People who live life the way they want and aren’t afraid to share their joy with the world. Our employees are some of the biggest geeks around. Behind the counters at our stores, we have a plethora of personalities and interests; our stores are a melting pot of geek culture. We asked some of the employees at Bookmans Ina to reveal what they geek out about the most.
“First things first — Harry Potter! I am also into bikes, long boarding, Peter Pan and Wes Anderson. I love playing card games such as Magic the Gathering and Pokemon. I love cartoons including Sailor Moon, Adventure Time, Pokémon and Moomins! My favorite authors are Joe Meno, Francesca Lia Block, Charles De Lint and Neil Gaiman.”
-Emme, Book Department
“I geek out over the band Rush, Beer and Presidents… also playing guitar!”
-Robert, Assistant Manager
“I geek out about skateboarding, Lord of the Rings, pugs (I know everything about them and own one named Gimli,), boys, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Nirvana, Horror Movies and the T.V. show Roseanne.”
-Makyla, Electronics Department
“I geek out about raising my gamer score on Xbox Live, Bruce Wayne being the coolest, and when an obscure Beatles song comes on the Radio. I also geek out when a director uses a cool shot from an old Hitchcock movie and when Daniel Bryan makes his entrance on WWE Raw.”
-Cliff, Electronics Supervisor
“I pwn n00bs with Pokémon cards and sweet yo-yo tricks.”
-Ty, Customer Service Supervisor
“I geek out about SciFi books of all sorts. As well as Harry Potter, Star Trek, travel and anything Disney. I geek out about cool new tech gadgets (not cell phones or things like that, more along the lines of robotics). I geek out about how awesome my husband is when we are geeking out together… and of course RPG games.”
-Sarah, Book Department
“Foreign Languages! I love foreign language dictionaries and collecting children’s books in other languages. Also owls. Gimme, Gimme owls!”
-Rachel, Book Department
“I love Harry potter to the point of obsession. I love playing trivia and learning facts that other people consider useless. I also play MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online and Star Trek Online more than I should. I geek out over my pets because I love them so much. My Instagram and Facebook are pretty much dedicated to their existence.”
-Mary, Events Liaison
Let us support your geekery too. What is it that you love? The first five people to leave us a comment telling us what you love and which Bookmans location you visit the most will receive a $5 Bookmans Gift Certificate. Even if you aren’t among the first five, still leave your comment to help us know what you’re looking for next time you visit Bookmans.
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I geek out about words – crossword puzzles, scrabble, typography, reading…if it’s words I love it!!
I visit the Ina location the most. 🙂
Thanks for your comment. Visit the Customer Service Desk at Bookmans Ina for your $5 gift certificate. You may want a couple of days to make sure it’s there before you head over. It will be as easy as ABC (much easier than a game of Scrabble)!
I geek out over toys, comics, graphic novels, movies and books. I can always seem to find something everytime I go to Bookmans. I always visit the Mesa Bookmans. Love it!
Thanks for your comment, Mario. Visit the Customer Service Desk at Bookmans Mesa for your $5 gift certificate. You may want a couple of days to make sure it’s there before you head over. Mesa is a great community for all things comic/graphic related. You’re in the right place!
I totally geek out on a really good biography. I love learning about people’s lives and how they have impacted our world.
Oops, forgot location. I visit the Mesa Bookmans on Country Club.
Thanks for your comment. Visit the Customer Service Desk at Bookmans Mesa for your $5 gift certificate. You may want a couple of days to make sure it’s there before you head over. I love biographies too, but not the lofty ones you like. I’m reading a Deborah Harry bio at the moment because I’m just a punk like that (not).
Oops, forgot location. I visit the Mesa bookmans on Country Club.
I geek out about fiction from around the world. It it has been translated, I need to read it. Ina is my store!
Thanks for your comment. Visit the Customer Service Desk at Bookmans Ina for your $5 gift certificate. You may want a couple of days to make sure it’s there before you head over. Tucson is home to the world’s second largest collection of international children’s books ( I think something like less than 10% of global literature is translated into English, so it’s definitely a niche category. Global literature was my first love.
With two children, they drive the geekery train in our house. They are deep, deep into Harry Potter and Adventure Time.
I geek out about books! I love the smell and the feel.
LEGOS! Wes Anderson, David Byrne, and art books, (just to name a few). And Flagstaff Bookmans is my home away from home; “Iced almond chai please, Gina!”
Thanks for your comment. Visit the Customer Service Desk at Bookmans Flagstaff for your $5 gift certificate. You may want a couple of days to make sure it’s there before you head over. I’m with you on the Gina drinks. Bottoms up!
I Geek out over Stephen King, Koontz, and Sandford!! Books takes you places you never thought you could visit!
Oh dear lord.
Larry Hama, Captain America, Exo-Squad, G.I. Joe, Jim Starlin, Them Crooked Vultures/Queens of the Stone Age, rhinos, Halo-Bloks, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Werewolf:The Apocalypse, Metal Gear, (NES), Adam Warlock and Thanos of Titan, Raymond Chandler, Black Lizard/Vintage Crime, Warhammer:40,000, Dan Abnett, scotch,The Avengers, GWAR, Warren Ellis, The Lion In Winter, Sins of a Solar Empire, and fuzzy sharks.
That’s just what right around me. (I’m pretty messy.)
Bookman’s is Happiest Place on Earth. Last time I made the 8 hour (one way!) trip to Flag, I spent more time there than showing off the Grand Canyon. I’m seriously thinking of leaving California just to work there.
Are you hiring? (I’m not sure I want you to say yes)
Anyway, I love this place, forever.