Getting Instrumental at Bookmans Flagstaff
If you have visited Bookmans Flagstaff recently you probably noticed some changes to the layout of the store. Gone is the small corner dedicated to Bookmans new and used instruments. In its place you will find our vinyl collection and posters for your favorites movies, comic books and T.V. shows. Those instruments had to go somewhere. Where are the shiny new guitars? The trombones, trumpets, drums? What about violin strings and sheet music? Fear not, young Bachs, Beethovens and Becks, Bookmans is still the ultimate location for your musical needs. We found a better and bigger home for all the lovely melody makers. When entering Bookmans Flagstaff you will find the entire stock of instruments, at least most of it, on the back wall neighboring the DVDs.
From its inception three years ago, the Bookmans Music Instrument Department has steadily grown. What once was the odd guitar on display amongst vinyl records and CDs is now a wide and eclectic variety of instruments for all different types of music. The ever growing department has always embraced the idea that no instrument is too weird. With that in mind this new space allows for new and interesting pieces to be displayed. From guitars to hand drums, from ukuleles to didgeridoos, all find a home on our instrument wall. Additionally, Bookmans customers have more room to test out an amp and an easier time navigating the various accessories like stings straps and symbols.
The Bookmans Flagstaff music team has worked hard to create the improved home for all things instrumental. The wall behind it was given a new paint job, the previous display was taken down and new fixtures replaced the the old. We brought in more instruments to fill up the space. All that hard work is worth it because the end result is just that good. Come by to check out the new and improved musical wall at Bookmans Flagstaff.
Remember, Bookmans wants your gently used instruments to keep up our stock! More pictures on the Bookmans flickr page.
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