How to Explain a Movie Plot, Badly
If you know me, you’ll know I am almost totally uncultured when it comes to movies. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love watching movies. But the list I have accumulated over the years of “must-watch movies” (or so my friends tell me) has just grown way out of hand. So, based on my limited knowledge of pop culture, here’s my attempt at explaining a movie plot for some movies I definitely should have seen by now.
A capable girl has to pretend to be a man to be taken seriously.
Fight Club
A group of people start a club that they can’t talk about.
Star Wars
Father reunites with a long-lost son and encourages him to take over the family business.
The Never-Ending Story
It’s a long story…
Harry Potter
A guy with no nose obsesses over an orphan boy for years.
Batman Begins
Billionaire devotes his entire life savings to cosplay goals.
The Silence of the Lambs
Man on a quest to find the perfect outfit even if he has to make it himself.
The Dark Knight
Ugly clown trolls a city to annoy a billionaire.
Beauty and the Beast
A love story that looks a lot like Stockholm Syndrome.
The Matrix
Guy plays a video game using all the cheat codes.
Worst family game night. Ever.
A host is very persistent in returning lost property to his guests.
Rich girl hogs a raft and lets a poor man freeze to death after a boat trip.
Lord of the Rings
Men spend nine hours returning some jewelry they don’t want.
Movie plot twist! Somehow, even though I work in the land of 4-K, Blu-rays, and DVDs, I still can’t always find the time to watch them. Hopefully, someday I will be able to catch up on pop culture and check some movies off my bucket list. Until then, I will continue to explain movie plots badly until I know more than just the gist.
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