Kids Need to Read 2014 Geek Prom Tickets On Sale
The most epic, eagerly anticipated event of Phoenix Comicon returns for a triumphant fifth year on Friday, June 6. The Kids Need to Read Geek Prom celebrates five years of geek party madness and kicks off a new track of events at the Sheraton Hotel in Downtown Phoenix. Don’t miss this quirky soiree that benefits KNTR, sponsored by Bookmans and hosted at Phoenix Comicon.

We are going to party like it’s the dawn of the video game era with this year’s theme of Retro Gaming. Get your photo taken under the geek arch, vie for your crown for the geek monarchy and bring your dancing shoes as DJ Michael Dougherty makes a triumphant return. Keep an eye out for announcements about the Fashion Geektacular judging as we get closer to the event. KNTR prides themselves on their quirks.
Tickets are on sale at the Phoenix Comicon website and are $15 in advance and $20 if purchased during the convention at the KNTR booth. Remember, your Phoenix Comicon Membership is required to attend Geek Prom. Proceeds from the annual KNTR Geek Prom assists them in their mission to create a culture of reading for children by providing inspiring books to underfunded schools, libraries and literacy programs across the United States, especially those serving disadvantaged children.
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