Middle Earth Magic at Bookmans Phoenix
Bookmans Phoenix celebrated Tolkien Reading Day at our Shindig in the Shire. Many attendees dressed for Middle Earth mirth including first and second breakfasts at the Prancing Pony and a cakewalk for trade credit at the Hobbiton Hoedown.

We couldn’t have done it without our community partners who made the day fanciful. Local artist collective Fairy Doors and Dinosaurs helped every one create hobbit doors. Our friends Eden and Mavis of Phoenix Public Library and First Things First performed a dramatic reading of Tom Bombadil poems set to live fiddle. The most rewarding part was when we overheard, “Listening to Tolkien works read out loud made me feel like I was transported to the Shire.” Transport yourself by taking a look at our Shindig Flickr album.

Bookmans Phoenix loves collaborating with folks in the neighborhood. Cory and Jessica of Fairy Doors and Dinosaurs made such a splash at their debut Bookmans event, we look forward to working with them again. Our next engagement with these lovely ladies is from 1 to 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 30 for our Butterfly Social. Cory and Jessica will host fun crafts including Fairy Doors and Butterfly Crowns.
Eden and Mavis are two of our favorite storytellers in town. Eden leads the Bookmans Phoenix Story Time from 10 to 11 a.m. every Wednesday. All ages are welcome and parents are encouraged to attend and participate. Eden also holds regular family story time hours at the Acacia branch of the Phoenix Public Library.
We love working with community partners who bring stories to life. Here’s to creating an environment for imaginations to run wild! For more information about events at Bookmans Phoenix, please visit our Events Calendar.
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