Music Review: Warpaint
Warpaint is an indie-rock girl band from Los Angeles. The group formed in 2004. The founding members are childhood friends with a mutual love and talent for music and performing. The group released three studio albums: Exquisite Corpse (2008), The Fool (2010) and their 2014 self-titled album Warpaint. If any band of this era embodies the raw, sexy and complex feeling of girl power, it’s Warpaint.
As a huge fan of the steadily dark and hypnotic sounds of Warpaint’s prior albums, I had high hopes that their familiar eerie Cocteau Twin-esque sound would remain consistent for their third album. I was relieved to hear Keep it Healthy, the second track on the album, has the mellow and intoxicating effect that their prior albums are laden with. As the tracks progress, I notice a more chaotic, celestial feel to the music. They found a way to mesh sounds that otherwise shouldn’t go together and create a haunting and sensual work of art.
The album has mixed reviews for being “a little too 1999.” I can’t say I disagree with that description as it pertains to a few of the songs, but I will say that I don’t think it is a bad thing. Warpaint found a way to make new music feel nostalgic, seemingly without trying. They haven’t ditched their familiar space rock sound and glam-grudge aesthetic, yet they found a way to add a dark-pop/trip-hop feel to their tracks. Listening to this album in its intended order has me taking turns with different feelings and urges. Do I want to dance with no pants or do I want to cry? Do I want to throw glass plates to the ground or do I want to call my ex-boyfriend? The answer is yes, all of the above.
I strongly recommend Warpaint, but I acknowledge that not everyone would. If you like music that makes you feel like you are breathing underwater for 50 minutes while getting your hair braided by a dark mermaid, then this is the album for you. Don’t waste your time thinking about it. BUY IT. If you take comfort in the bubblegum-pop, west coast feel commonly associated with current girl bands, you can always sample the CD before you make a purchase. Listening to Warpaint’s newest album makes me feel the same way 15-year-old me felt the first time I heard Exquisite Corpse — butterflies and all. Not every band possesses the talent to make you feel and, because of that, I remain a fan.
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