Sci-Fi Sub Genres
Bookmans Speedway knows our Sci-Fi up, down, sideways and underneath. The depth and diversity of sci-fi led John O. to create brochures with suggestions and explanations to highlight unusual Sci-Fi sub genres.
Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi includes titles like Kate Wilhelm’s Where Late the Sweet Birds, The End of the World: Stones of the Apocalypse, an Anthology and Robert Rankin’s Armageddon the Musical. One of the best of these is On the Beach by Nevil Shute. The Washington Post and Times Herald declare it, “The most important and dramatic novel of the atomic age. If you read only one book a year, this should be the one.” In this troubling work, Naples is the first to be bombed with Atomic weapons. Next came Tel Aviv and Cairo, which is only the beginning.
Military Sci-Fi includes tiles like Engaging the Enemy by Elizbeth Moon, Combat by Gordon R. Dickson or WarBots by G. Harry Stine. Operation Steel Band, part of the WarBots series, features part human part machine indestructible armored giants with computer minds inseparably linked to the brainwaves of their human masters.
Feminist Sci-Fi includes Nicola Griffith’s Ammonite, Ursula LeGuin’s The Telling and The Golden Space by Pamela Sargent. Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is our pick for this sub genre. This utopian novel is a romp through the whole world of “masculine” and “feminine” with shocking modern resonance. It begins during World War I with three American male explorers. They happen upon an all female society in the outreaches of earth. The explorers set out to find the society’s missing men on the assumption that such a “civilization” must have been created and influenced by men.
Other Sci-Fi sub genres include Far Future, Steampunk and Time Travel. Bookmans can not guarantee stock. If you are interested in a specific title mentioned in this article, give Bookmans Speedway a ring at 520.748.9555. Bookmans is the place to browse, but it’s a good idea to make sure the title is still on our shelves before you come in. Take a dip in the world of Sci-Fi or Sy-Fy. A whole new universe awaits you!
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