Sid Cedargreen: Art In The Southwest
By: Frank Solano, Bookmans Outside Buy Coordinator.
Bookmans has acquired a significant collection of paintings by lauded Arizona artist Sid Cedargreen. Sid Cedargreen was a mid-century painter who’s art beautifully depicted the desert southwest. In 1958, Mr. Cedargreen was part of an art collective that transformed Tubac into an art colony. While in Tubac, he founded the Tubac Center for the Arts and the Santa Cruz Art Association. During this time, he was the winner of the distinguished Master Mead award for depicting the Southwest. His paintings are beautiful landscapes featuring areas in Arizona and all around the American Southwest. He continued to live in Arizona and paint its beauty for several years. In 2011, Sid Cedargreen passed away at the age of 89.

After he passed away, Mr. Cedargreen’s family found a plethora of paintings that Cedargeen had been storing in his house. It was shortly after this that Bookmans was offered the chance to acquire his remaining paintings. We received almost 350 Sid Cedargreen original paintings that will be up for sale at ALL Bookmans locations throughout Arizona. In an attempt to deliver this important art to the community of Arizona, we have kept the prices as low as possible with tickets ranging from $40 to $100 a painting. Each store will receive different original prints regularly, until they are all gone. Stop by your nearest location to check out an important part of Arizona’s artistic history.
*** Editors note: The titles of these paintings may not be correct. Let us know if you are familiar with the work and can help us solve this mystery.
***Bookmans is your store to explore. If you are interested in an item mentioned here please give one of our six locations a call and we will happily check our shelves.
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Hello, I have looked for many years for one of Mr. Sid’s moonlight paintings. I had the privilege of knowing him and his dear wife, Alice as they resided in Kino Springs Az.. They were neighbors and friends of my grandparents. I was young, teenage and loved them dearly. I reside in Georgia and have no plans of ever getting out west at this time.
Please send me any available paintings that you might have in stock. Thank you!
Tammy Appleton Aldridge
Hi, Tammy! Thank you for reaching out to us. Please feel free to contact me at 602.309.9712 or for more information about the paintings. Have a great day! ~Katy S.
Hello Tammy or anyone,
I have one of Mr. Sid’s paintings, albeit not a moonlight painting, but that of a forest during winter time. Le me know if you have interest in this painting and I will send you a photo.
Noel L.
Hello Noel! Unfortunately, only our in-store buyers can make you an offer on trade items. You can call your local Bookmans store to inquire about the specific paintings you have or stop on in and let them have a look at it to see if they are interested in them. The store’s phone number and addresses can be found here: Thanks!