Sita Nava’s Top 10 Video Games
May is the month during which we reflect on our inner geeks. We are all guilty of geeking out over something, and there are countless ways to geek out. Sometimes a person’s inner geek shines through just a little bit brighter than others. Take for example Sita Navas. Sita, who works in the electronics department at Bookmans Ina, is a geek about many things. Her love of art and inappropriate jokes are a strong part of Sita’s personality, as is her love of video games. At any given time, you can hear Sita geeking out on the latest video game or one of any number of retro games. Inspired by her enthusiasm of gaming, we asked Sita for her top ten favorite video games ever.
Sita’s Top 10 Video Games:
1. Super Mario RPG
2. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
3. Super Metroid
4. Banjo Kazooie
5. Pikmin 2
6. Metroid Prime
7. Donkey Kong Country 2
8. Shadow of the Colossus
9. Star Fox 64
10. Super Smash Bros Melee
Sita’s love of games inspires us to reflect on whatever it is that lets our inner geek shine through. If you are inspired by this list and are looking for a fun event to get your geek on, join Sita at 6 p.m. on May 16 at Bookmans Ina. Sita will teach an art class for our customers of all ages. She will instruct the class on how to draw 64-bit retro video game characters. This is the perfect chance to geek out, learn something new and then show off new skills to your friends!
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