Entertainment Recommendations: Midtown Edition
Want entertainment recommendations? Great! At Bookmans, we pride ourselves on being extremely knowledgeable when it comes to all things pop culture and media. Even despite the strange time we are living in, we’re still devouring as much music, movies, video games, comics, books, and television…
Which Fictional Characters Best Describe You?
Let’s face it: our world has been overcome by pop culture for decades. Movies, TV shows, and books are so ingrained in our brains that we can easily describe ourselves as fictional characters. You know, rather than using actual adjectives. I went around and asked…
Top Five Binge Worthy Animated Shows
Cartoons are a wonderful thing. Once deemed to be only for kids, the world of animated shows have expanded to a much wider audience, appealing to both children and adults. Although I am basically a kid trapped inside the body of an adult, I do…
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