Contest! How to Organize Your Bookshelf
So, you’ve got a lot of books. Of course you do, you’re a total bookworm. But how in the world are you going to organize all that literature? You could always go with the classic organization by author’s last name, but what’s the fun in…
Every Single Reaction I Had While Watching the Game of Thrones Premiere
Like practically everyone else with a pulse, I have spent this last week wishing it was Sunday, aka Game of Thrones night. It’s been just over a year and a half, or precisely 596 days, since the season finale of season seven aired leaving us…
6 Shows to Binge While You Wait for G.O.T.
Winter may be here for the folks of Westeros, but the rest of us still have to wait until April 2019 to see who comes out victorious in the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones. And while we wait to find out what…
Top Ten Binge Worthy TV Shows
If you are like me, you probably can’t watch a show without binging the entire series. The summer heat is blistering in Arizona and binge watching a stellar show is the perfect excuse to stay inside. So jump into worlds unlike your own and indulge,…
Let Your Geek Flag Fly
So much cool stuff happens in May! The weather warms, we celebrate our mothers and Bookmans gets pumped for all things geeky. Bookmans loves to party and not just in our stores. With Phoenix Comicon right around the corner, what better time than now to…
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