A (Bookman’s) Flashback!
If you grew up in Arizona, you likely went to Bookmans as a kid. We have been around since 1976, after all. We’ve been through some serious changes over the years, one of the biggest being dropping that apostrophe in our name. Yep, you’re not…
5 Essential LGBTQ+ Kids Books to Celebrate Diversity
Happy Pride Month, Arizona! It wasn’t too long ago that LGBTQ+ kids and teen books were unheard of. You probably would’ve gotten many strange looks if you came into a store looking for them back then. We are so fortunate to live in a society…
A History Of The Storyteller
“Let me tell you a story about…” “There once was…” “Once upon a time…” Hearing a sentence starting with any of these words usually means it’s going to be a good story. Maybe one of your favorite fairy tales was about to be told by…
3 Nonfiction Summer Reads
Diving into a well of new information with a good nonfiction bio, poli-sci, or history tome sounds like a dream. Learning everything you could want to know about a particular subject is thrilling. These books may seem denser, but nonfiction reads can be a lot…
History Of Tucson And Arizona’s Wild West
Tucson and the surrounding areas have a rich and unexpected history. In fact, the OK Corral marked what some claim as the taming of the American West. The tales of our state are legendary and surprisingly widely read by the world. Arizona is something of…
History Of Tucson And Arizona's Wild West
Tucson and the surrounding areas have a rich and unexpected history. In fact, the OK Corral marked what some claim as the taming of the American West. The tales of our state are legendary and surprisingly widely read by the world. Arizona is something of…
Geeking Out for History
We take issue with a rumor going around. Word is that history is boring. The ways in which this is not only false but also insane are innumerable! People packed theaters for Titanic and Zero Dark Thirty — movies based on historic events. We find…
Historical Heroines In Life and Books
“Well-behaved women seldom make history,” said author and feminist Laurel Thatcher Ulrich in 1976. The sentiment has since taken hold and is well used today. March is Women’s History month, and, boy, is there a lot to learn about historical heroines in life and books.
Explore Arizona in Books
Bookmans has many and varied loves with the deepest of soft spots for Arizona and all its troubles and trappings. We are a complex state geographically, politically and socially. We can’t think of a better way to embrace Love of Reading month than to explore…
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