Win 2 Tickets to The Superhero Ultraferno
You could win a pair of tickets to the interactive theatre experience, Superhero Ultraferno! To enter, submit a photo or video re-creating a scene from your favorite superhero movie or comic book. Post your entry on social media and don’t forget to tag @bookmansphoenix so…
Spellbound By The Worst Witch
I’ve always been a sucker for television shows whose original concepts were novels. Of course I still, in most cases, found the book to be much better. I recently found myself mulling through the latest Netflix offerings when I came across a magical gem. Magical…
YA Novels for Mental Heath Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health is often seen as a taboo subject. Many people are too afraid to speak up because of the ever-present stigma surrounding it. Did you know that one in four people are affected by mental illness? We would…
Spring Reads I’m Here for in 2019!
Spring (reading) is here! While the rest of the world is “tiding up,” we Bookmans folk compile our spring reading piles. And yes, I might have a few fall reads I still need to tackle. (Hello Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver, I still see you there). You…
Books I Read But Almost Didn’t
The number one thing I’ve learned from book clubs is that I need to be more open-minded about the books I choose to read. On more than one occasion I have silently groaned when reading the book’s description and had already judged the storyline before…
3 October Releases We Can't Wait To Read
We know it’s only mid-September, yet the idea of cuddling inside with a good book as fall foliage blankets our town has got us scouring the bookish blogosphere and getting our TBR list ready. The fall season is reading season. All bibliophiles know this. And…
How to Handle a Breakup, Bookmans-style
No one wants to be sad during the holiday season. December, also known as Cuffing Season, may have been the perfect time to find someone to snuggle up with and not to be alone. But, as the holiday cheer wains and January moves on, you…
Censorship Challenged: Our Top 5 LGBT Titles
In the year 2016 it seems completely preposterous that we’re still talking about books that have been banned, challenged or censored. With nudity and profanity on almost every television ad, magazine cover or roadside billboard, literature shouldn’t be what we focus on when trying to…
Meet Tom Leveen! Local Storyteller & Author
An exciting new Story Time is coming to Bookmans Phoenix. Accomplished local author and storyteller, Tom Leveen will be joining us on Tuesday mornings at 10am starting on September 6th for a brand new program called Music & Movement. Bookmans is partnering with Tom and…
Meet Tom Leveen! Local Storyteller & Author
An exciting new Story Time is coming to Bookmans Phoenix. Accomplished local author and storyteller, Tom Leveen will be joining us on Tuesday mornings at 10am starting on September 6th for a brand new program called Music & Movement. Bookmans is partnering with Tom and…
Hip Hip YA: A Look at Young Adult Literature
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Young Adult literature? A typical response from someone who hasn’t delved into this newer movement might include something about sparkling vampires. The true YA fan knows that there is so much more hidden among…
Teen Fiction for the Young at Heart Reader
No task is more taxing than that of holiday shopping for bookish friends. If that book lover tends toward the John Green-loving, Ransom Riggs-reading, young-at-heart type reader who enjoys the latest in teen fiction, then you’ve got yourself a recipe for frustration. How do you…
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