50 Creative Ways to Be Kind During the Holidays
‘Tis the season of giving! The holidays can be a rough time for everyone. With shopping, family gatherings, traveling, and the festivities, things can get a little crazy out there. So let’s stop for a second and think about what we can do to give back. With the right amount of care and kindness, it is so easy to turn a stranger’s day around.
From simply smiling at a stranger to letting someone with a smaller purchase than yours go ahead of you in line at the grocery store, here are 50 creative ways to be kind this holiday season (and earn some kindness karma in return):
- Hold the door open for the person behind you
- Help serve food at a homeless shelter
- Donate old clothing you never wear to a local charity
- Support local businesses while shopping for gifts
- Buy coffee for the person behind you in the drive-thru
- Smile at strangers walking by on the street
- Make small talk with your cashiers
- Write a positive YELP review about a local business you enjoy
- Compliment a stranger
- Offer to help carry an elderly person’s groceries in or out of their car
- Leave a penny on the ground for kids to find (heads up, of course)
- Buy food for someone who needs it
- Give positive feedback to a coworker who seems to be stressed out
- Use extra quarters for nearly expired parking meters
- If you have a little bit of trade credit left over, give it to the person behind you in the checkout line at Bookmans
- Tip waiters and waitresses a little bit more than usual
- Send a friend or family member a positive text
- Give out free hugs
- Leave paper in a book or coat pocket at a department store with a compliment written on it
- Give up your seat on the bus for someone who needs it more
- Pick up AWOL trash
- Pet a pooch walking by and compliment its owner
- Make room for bicyclists on the road
- Tip a street musician
- Give an old coat to someone in need
- Thank a cop
- Offer to walk the neighbor’s dog
- Donate blood
- Tell a funny joke to a stranger
- Thank the cooks after you’ve eaten a meal at your favorite restaurant
- Bake cookies or brownies and share them with coworkers, friends, or family
- Share your passions with a friend like a favorite book, game, or recipe
- Offer to take a picture for a big group of people
- Support holiday events like Winterhaven
- Thank a Santa. They work harder than you think!
- If you find a lost item (car keys, a wallet, etc.), find the closest Lost and Found or track down the owner
- Be forgiving
- Tell someone they made a difference in your life
- Lend an ear to someone in need
- Say, “Thank you,” and “Please”
- Encourage a child for a job well done
- Give up complaining for the rest of the year
- Help a stray cat or dog find their owner
- Don’t be a Grinch
- Offer to help a stranger having car problems
- Be patient while driving
- Invite a friend having a hard time out for a night of fun
- Lend your phone charger to someone in need
- Give away coupons you won’t be using
- “The best way to spread holiday cheer is singing loud for all to hear”
Hopefully, this massive list gave you a little inspiration and got you in the holiday mood! Bookmans knows how important it is to support local and spread kindness. Let’s fill this holiday season with joy!
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