Bookmans Recommends | Jay-Z's 4:44
Jay-Z’s newly released album, 4:44 went platinum in less than a week. This album only runs 36 minutes with just ten tracks. But don’t let that deceive you, Jay still has a lot to say. 4:44 a lot more than a response to Beyonce’s Lemonade album. Jay- Z unfolds everything from his hustle lifestyle with fame and fortune to revealing a sense of betrayal. He addresses how becoming a father has changed him and offers a long-awaited apology. The album features a celebration of his mother publicly coming out and poignant details about the dichotomy of living as both a superstar and a regular person. Let’s just say this album looks like it might run short but it’s nothing less than jam-packed with material. If you haven’t already started to unpack this new album, here is some help with my personal top tracks from the record.
Track 2. The Story Of OJ.
(There has been controversy over the lyrics.) Jay-Z speaks about society, race, financial status on this track. He addresses how he reconstructed his financial fortune to make investments. Jay-Z paints a real picture with intentions that fortune doesn’t just look one way. He uses himself and other cultures as an example that things are possible if you continue to move forward and make wise decisions. PS. The music video is straight gold.
Track 3. Smile.
This track to me feels like a celebration, it feels free and it feels accomplished. In this track, he announces that his mother is publicly coming out and proclaims his outpouring of love for her no matter what anyone else says. This track has a strong vibe of love and strength, the message is that you can make it through tough times as long as you keep that head up and of course…smile. Jay-Z takes the the time to put it all out there and make amends for his mistakes. This song is deep and you can literally feel it. I have a lot of respect for him for this one.
To check out all of the tracks, keep your eyes peeled for Jay-Z’s 4:44 in our stores. For Jay-Z’s older albums, we suggest coming by or calling one of our Bookmans locations. Also hit up or check out our employee recommendations.
*Bookmans is your store to explore. We can’t guarantee stock, so if you are interested in one of the albums mentioned, please give us a call and we’ll check our orange shelves for you.
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