IBD: Independent Bookstore Day, the Bookmans Way!
Independent Bookstore Day, IBD for short, is hands-down our favorite day of the year. Not only does Bookmans get to celebrate being a local bookstore, but we also get to stock all that exclusive Independent Bookstore Day merchandise. And that means we also get some extra love from the communities around our stores. IBD 2020 is going to be so very epic. Here’s why you should add Bookmans to your Independent Bookstore Day schedule on Saturday, August 29th!
There are so many awesome things about Independent Bookstore Day that are worthy of celebrating, but the love of the bookstore is the most important. IBD brings attention to bookstores, which hold a significant place in the community. Bookstores reflect the people who frequent them, often serving as the local space where thought, stories, and perspectives collide. Inside a book lies a world for you to dive into, and thousands of those worlds inside a bookstore. Pretty powerful places, those local bookstores!
Of course, Independent Bookstore Day is also about celebrating your love of reading. What better way to proclaim your passion for the written word than by grabbing some books and that IBD-exclusive merchandise? Independent Bookstore Day is offering tons of merchandise for literary lovers. They’ve got IBD tote bags, journals, candles, t-shirts, socks, posters, and best of all – exclusive book releases!
But Bookmans is not going to stop there. Heck no. Taking a page out of the IBD 2020 book (pun intended), we’re getting in on the virtual fun of the day. As you know, we have some pretty incredible community partners who love literacy as much as we do. This year, Bookmans is teaming up with Drag Queen Story Hour for an Independent Bookstore Day live virtual event! Join us from anywhere in the world on August 29, 2020, at 12 PM (AZ time) for DQSH Celebrates Independent Bookstore Day with Bookmans! It’s totally free, super fun, and features an incredible host, Lisa D Leon!
Some of our stores are also doing in-store giveaways, online giveaways, and more! Bookmans Northwest is working with Treasures for Teachers on Independent Bookstore Day to collect Bookmans trade credit for this nonprofit. Also, Western National Parks Association has generously donated prizes for goodie bags they’ll be giving out to parents and children alike. Grab one while you’re shopping for your IBD-exclusives. The Northwest store also got Independent Bookstore Day giveaways happening all week and will be announcing the winners on Saturday at 12 PM on their Instagram page!
Up in the valley, Bookmans Mesa, in addition to co-hosting DQSH that day, are having 5 in-store IBD-themed gift boxes giveaways all day long! They also have a social media gift box give away with a live drawing at 2 PM. Over at Bookmans Phoenix, every customer will receive a special raffle entry with purchase and they’ve got a juicy Instagram giveaway as well.
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