Spring and Green April Events
Springtime is here! We have plans to get outdoors, engage with the community and renew our environmental efforts. With Earth Day right around the corner, we expose our Green Heart. Additionally, each store hosts free and fun events get the most of Spring Celebrations and embrace Mother Earth. From colorful egg-stravaganzas to Wonkapalooza parties to conservation workshops, our April Events Calendar is packed. Please join us!
Enjoy Spring Events
Bookmans Phoenix celebrates with Springtime Egg-stravaganza, Arts and Smarts: Wonkapalooza and Butterfly Social. Bookmans Ina celebrates spring with an Egg Hunt. Bookmans Speedway hosts a day of Easter Fun.
Enjoy Green Events
Bookmans Mesa hosts an afternoon of green crafts to add some creativity to your conservation. The Arboretum at Flagstaff stops by Bookmans Flagstaff to host an educational workshop on climate change and environment impact at the Energy Conservation Workshop. Additionally, Bookmans Flagstaff invites you to their Lorax Party in honor of Earth Day. Enjoy earth-friendly editions of the popular Craftapalooza series at Bookmans Ina.
Special Neither Spring Nor Green Event Shout Out
Bookmans Flagstaff throws an Avengers Age of Ultron Release Party this month. Spring into action for this Spring movie release. Stretch the connection however you want, just know that this event brings the F.U.N.
Enjoy the Earth this month at Bookmans and in your local community. For a full list of April events and activities, please check out our Events Calendar. May your spring be green with possibilities!
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