Bookmans Recommends: Spooky Reads
There’s no better time of year to read thrilling stories and novels than, well, whenever you want to! There are plenty of spooky authors we’re sure you already know, like R.L. Stine, Steven King, and Dean Koontz, but we want to introduce you to some not-so-well-known…
Protecting Brain Health with Nonfiction
Bookmans promotes literacy in part because we really, really like learning things. “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young,” said Henry Ford. New research shows he was right. In an earlier article we explored the…
Fight Censorship: Science Is NOT Porn
No case of censorship gets us more hot under the collar than book banning. Every time a book is removed from library shelves we feel like Guy Montag goaded by Captain Beatty in Fahrenheit 451. Yeah, we know it’s dark! But we’re bookworms and how…
5 Censored Women We Love
We could publish an article a week for the rest of our existence featuring scandalously brilliant women and still not scratch the surface of their contributions. From across the entertainment spectrum women are ridiculed, demeaned and suppressed. Countless women endure hardships for letting their creative…
Bookmans Recommends: You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa I’ve been a Felicia Day fan since her comedy web series The Guild debuted on YouTube in 2007, introducing the world to the trials and tribulations of Cyd Sherman and her gaming guild as they try to…
Bookmans Recommends: You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa I’ve been a Felicia Day fan since her comedy web series The Guild debuted on YouTube in 2007, introducing the world to the trials and tribulations of Cyd Sherman and her gaming guild as they try to…
Banned Books for Every Age
By Megan Maiden, Bookmans Enthusiast Like most rebellious children, I never liked being told what to do. I never liked being told that I couldn’t watch a certain kind of movie, couldn’t listen to a certain kind of music or couldn’t read a certain kind…
King of Kid Lit Adam Rex Talks to Bookmans
Moonday, Cold Cereal and the New York Bestseller Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich have one hysterical thing in common — Adam Rex. True to his name, the author/illustrator/artist is a literary king and a gateway author for young readers. You might have seen his books or…
The True Legend of Hunter S. Thompson
We presume the world is familiar with the book/movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. If not, the name Hunter S. Thompson at least strikes a chord. He’s the father of gonzo jouranlism who dove neck deep into alcohol-fueled drug binges yet still wrote masterfully…
Timelessness of Peter Pan
Watch out Harry Potter. There’s another with a prior claim to the moniker, “the boy who lived.” Not only does he never grow old, Peter Pan is a timeless classic. Starting in his 1902 novel Little White Bird, J.M. Barrie merely mentions Peter Pan. In…
Three Strong Female Characters in Modern Fiction
We love little more than an engrossing book with an independently minded female lead. It’s even better that our shelves are stocked full of them. Let’s take a look at three of the the many strong female characters in modern fiction.
Audio Book Day at Bookmans Speedway
Words and sound, literary noise, a movie in your mind? We call it heaven. We Bookmans Speedway peeps love audio books and evidently we aren’t alone. Audio book sales are up 19% nation wide. Numbers like these make voice actors rejoice and cause publishers to…
Happee Birthdae Harry
In 1997 a tattered paperback made its way among the students in my forth grade class at Hansen Lane Elementary. When the book finally made it into my grubby hands, even though everyone demanded I read it, I dismissed the book. A few weeks later…
The Exploitation of Lost Manuscripts and Stagnation of Art
Something has irritated me for some time now. It happens every year. It’s time to call out the practice of dragging out “lost manuscripts” that magically appear about the time someone can make a pile of money. Yes, I mean the recent and controversial release…
Hoping Harper Lee Delivers in Go Set a Watchman
After a 40 year hiatus and with much controversy about legal ethics, Harper Lee blessed us with another novel. We look forward to hearing the charming voice of Scout Finch once more. Already making its way up the best seller chain, Go Set a Watchman…
Henri Recommends Books about Dogs for Humans
Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never had a dog. Never was there ever a more faithful companion than that of a canine. Loving, loyal and able to give the best snuggles known to man, a dog is everyone’s best friend. Henri, short…
Explore the Latest In Science Nonfiction
Nothing in our wardrobe feels better than our smarty pants. Geeking out is as natural to us as breathing and it makes perfect “science” that our geekery would attract other geeks. Our nonfiction sections have become more popular than ever across every age group. One…
Animal Rescues and Tall Tails from Bookmans Speedway
July is Animal Welfare month for us and Bookmans Speedway ramped up their show of support for our furry, feathered and scaly faced friends. Each weekend Bookmans Speedway brings in animal rescues to heighten awareness about a variety of animal welfare issues. We have everything…
Science Fiction’s Historic Run
Science Fiction is a varied genre that has been around for longer than you might imagine. Its origin is a subject for debate with camps claiming that it started as early as 2150 BCE or between the 17th and 19th centuries. Some scholars claim science…
Science Fiction's Historic Run
Science Fiction is a varied genre that has been around for longer than you might imagine. Its origin is a subject for debate with camps claiming that it started as early as 2150 BCE or between the 17th and 19th centuries. Some scholars claim science…
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