Bookmans Recommends: Preacher
With a pilot by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg for geek friendly AMC in development, now is the time to pick up a copy of DC’s Vertigo Comics Preacher. Created in 1996 by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, Preacher tells the tale of small town…
Bookmans Recommends: Marvel’s Civil War
Last month I had writer’s block. Why was I plagued with this self-esteem destroying ailment? Because I couldn’t stop thinking about Spider-Man joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe and making his debut in Captain America Civil War. It’s no secret that I am obsessed with Marvel….
Bookmans Recommends: Marvel's Civil War
Last month I had writer’s block. Why was I plagued with this self-esteem destroying ailment? Because I couldn’t stop thinking about Spider-Man joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe and making his debut in Captain America Civil War. It’s no secret that I am obsessed with Marvel….
Geeking Out for History
We take issue with a rumor going around. Word is that history is boring. The ways in which this is not only false but also insane are innumerable! People packed theaters for Titanic and Zero Dark Thirty — movies based on historic events. We find…
Time Travel Pop Culture at Bookmans Flag
We love things old and new. That’s why we buy, sell, trade things like vinyl and VHS tapes. We fill our shelves with items that can’t be found at your everyday department store. We geek out over limited edition. We swoon at the sight of…
Magnificent Magazines
How many times have you been in a waiting room, only to find nothing to read but a 10-year-old copy of Golf Digest — and you aren’t a golfer?! Bookmans peeps can’t understand this when we have hundreds of super interesting magazines to read and…
Trade Used Textbooks at Bookmans
Low is the life of a poor college student. Never having clean clothes because laundry is hard and, if you’re supposed to separate your darks from your lights, then by the old gods and the new, where do you put your gray Avengers cardi sweater!? Most…
To Read or Not to Read Classic Literature
To read or not to read? Such unfairness exists in classic literature. Like Hamlet’s query, this one begs the knowledge of whether the pain of reading a classic is greater than the pain of never having read the classics. The summer prior to my freshman…
Young Reader Favorites
The success of many Young Adult novels that have been adapted for film has brought more attention to books for kids and teens. Young reader favorites like Twilight, Hunger Games and Divergent bring kids, and their parents, into bookstores looking for the next great story….
Banned Book Club: American Psycho
No book has caused more controversy since its publication than American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. If you’ve seen the movie, your insides have surely coiled in revolt from Patrick Bateman’s violent and outlandish murders; and the book is only worse. So extreme were a…
We’ve Got Books and So Could You
Bookmans peeps are known to go gaga for a book or two. After all, books are how we got our start. Before founder Bob Oldfather developed the stores to become the mothership of all things entertainment, Bookmans Entertainment Exchange was just Bookmans, but with an apostrophe…
We've Got Books and So Could You
Bookmans peeps are known to go gaga for a book or two. After all, books are how we got our start. Before founder Bob Oldfather developed the stores to become the mothership of all things entertainment, Bookmans Entertainment Exchange was just Bookmans, but with an apostrophe…
Audio Books Provide Welcome Distraction
“Let me tell you a story.” Humans have always been drawn to great tales. Since the days of gathering around the campfire to gathering around the family radio, story telling has been a favorite past-time. There is something intimate and endlessly enjoyable about listening to…
A Brief Steampunk Primer
Tucson recently held its annual Steampunk Convention and we are happy the genre has taken hold. Employees at Bookmans Speedway are especially big fans of steampunk. It folds nicely into all the things we hold dear, promote and geek out over. Steampunk ideals incorporate re-purposing,…
Decoupage Comic Book Letters
Is your home boring? Does your office lack luster? Do you ever think, “I sure wish my life was like a comic book,” or “This day would be so much cooler if I was surrounded by onomatopoeia”? We have the news of the century for you (hyperbole,…
Mrs. Green’s World Makes Tucson Festival of Books Appearance
Your Mother Called (Mother Earth)… You’d Better Call Her Back! carries Gina Murphy-Darling’s passionate message of respect for Mother Earth. Mrs. Green’s World, including Murphy-Darling herself, joins Bookmans from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 14 at the Tucson Festival of Books booth #328.
Mrs. Green's World Makes Tucson Festival of Books Appearance
Your Mother Called (Mother Earth)… You’d Better Call Her Back! carries Gina Murphy-Darling’s passionate message of respect for Mother Earth. Mrs. Green’s World, including Murphy-Darling herself, joins Bookmans from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 14 at the Tucson Festival of Books booth #328.
10 Ways to Reuse Old Books
Bookworms have shelves upon shelves of books we love and cherish, books that are like extensions of the family. But what happens to the books that lived their life to the fullest? The spines are cracked, the pages torn or falling out and the information…
Book Review: The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff
A spiritual journey is assumed to be large undertaking, possibly involving a shaved head and extended periods of silent meditation. In his 1982 book The Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff explains to the contrary that a spiritual path can be traveled even in our most…
6 Reasons We Love to Read
By now it’s well known we celebrate Love of Reading month. We made lists of our top selling, best loved and “wish you’d read it” books. Beyond recommended reading lists, the fundamental reason why we love to read hasn’t yet been addressed. Sure, the fact…
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