What to Expect When You’re Expecting to Sell Textbooks
The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Even better, school joyously screeches to a halt and will soon be a thing of last semester. But what to do about those cumbersome and pricey school books? You can sell textbooks at your local Bookmans Entertainment Exchange, of course! We caught up with real-life college student*, Rhett J. Bookcestershire IV, to answer a few of his questions about selling and trading with Bookmans. The end of the semester can be a confusing time, we know. We’ve been through it too. Rest assured, we’re here to guide you through the textbook trading experience.
Rhett J. Bookcestershire IV: I’m an undergrad and I just finished taking some pre-req classes that I did NOT enjoy. I mean, let’s face it, I’m probably not going to be reading Methods in Rhetorical Studies for fun on weekends. These required textbooks were super expensive when I bought them new. My college bookstore will only take a couple back at a really low rate. Can I get anything for them at Bookmans?
Bookmans Entertainment Exchange: Why, yes! We’re glad you asked. Bookmans will do everything in our power to give you top dollar on your textbooks. Unlike your college bookstore, we are able to ship your books to our warehouse and sell them online.
RJBIV: So, once you make me an offer on the books you want, can I get real money or just Bookmans trade?
BEE: We always offer trade credit OR cash. Trade credit never expires and can be used at any Bookmans in Arizona. The cash offer will always be less, but it too never expires and can be used anywhere for anything.
RJBIV: What if you can’t take any of my books? I kind of want to never see them again.
BEE: Good question. If for some reason, we aren’t able to take your textbooks, you are welcome to leave them with us. We donate books every day to local non-profits. None of our donated books end up in the trash. We find good homes for all of them, even if it’s as repurposed book art, props in a school play or hollowed-out flask holders. Don’t try that last one past your mom. She’s a savvy lady.
RJBIV: That’s great that I can get more trade credit than cash, but I’m not really into books. Do you have anything that’s, how should I say this, less boring?
BEE: We can find anybody the perfect book. Try us. You’ll be surprised. If you insist on non-book items, you’re in luck! We have a veritable treasure trove of video games, movies, music, board games, puzzles, housewares, graphic novels, Manga and all-around awesome stuff.
RJBIV: Do you have vinyl?
BEE: Yes.
RJBIV: It sounds like Bookmans is the first place I should take my used textbooks this year. I could definitely use some extra cash or some tunes for the road trip to Mexico I have planned this summer. Oh yeah, do you have foreign language and travel books?
BEE: Sí, por supuesto.
RJBIV: Wow, I can’t believe I’ve never been to Bookmans. Is there anything more rad in the state of Arizona?
BEE: Oh, Rhett. Go on. But the answer is no, there is nothing more rad.
This spring, be like Rhett and bring your textbooks to Bookmans for cash or trade credit. With locations in Tucson, Phoenix, Mesa and Flagstaff, we have just about every Arizona college covered. While you’re here, check out our unique merchandise and free events. See you soon at Bookmans!
*And by real life college student, we mean entirely fictional.
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