Flagstaff Celebrates Hullabaloo 2015
The un-official kick off to summer in Flagstaff took place Saturday, June 6 at Wheeler Park. Flagstaffarians and other Arizona inhabitants took to the park, sporting neon colors, feather boas and complete viking attire as the 6th annual Hullabaloo once again celebrated Northern Arizona in all its glory. Bookmans Flagstaff, along with the excellent company of family from Bookmans Phoenix, attended this wondrous jubilation, handing out Bookmans swag and offering free super hero inspired masks. If you were unable to take part in the festivities, don’t fret friends. Hullabaloo will surely return next summer and in the meantime we will get you caught up.
Brought to you by the good people at Greenhouse Productions, Flagstaff Hullabaloo is a tried and true celebration of our lovely little mountain oasis. With live music performances throughout the event including local musicians and local artist like Emma Gardner and local vendors such as Golden Beeswax, Hullabaloo offers family friendly fun. The day began with the Bike Parade where local peddlers took to the streets of downtown Flag, literally rollin’ with the homies in a cheerful bike gang.
Circus Bacchus amazed crowds with performances on the 2nd stage. Main stage performances included the Flag Funk Allstars and Snowball Slide Winners. The Kids Costume Contest sponsored by Bookmans and an Adult Costume Contest also took place on the Main Stage. Rapper Lyrics Born concluded the night with a one of a kind performance.
Hullabaloo 2015 marked 6 years of celebrating Flagstaff and won Best in Flag 5 years in a row. For more information about this event, check out the official Hullabaloo website and, like us, count down the days until next summer when you can have a heck of a time at the 7th annual Hullabaloo.
Bonus! We can’t let the chance to share a photo of our assistant manager arm wrestling a Bookmans patron for a Bookmans koozie. Jealous?
Don’t be. We love to hang out with you and have packed our calendar with free, family friendly events to maximize our time together. Don’t be a stranger!
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