Misheard Disney Lyrics
“Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba (Here comes a lion, Father) Sithi uhm ingonyama” (Oh yes, it’s a lion). Yes, that did just happen. The Lion King’s opening song, The Circle of Life, had to be the opening sentence. Complete with translation, because that’s what us Disney buffs do. Disney movies, from the classics to the most recent, packs in punches to every story line they recreate, or originally come up with. If it’s a movie made by them, you are sure to be dazzled, especially by their music. It’s a whole new world with unbelievable sights, indescribable feelings that keeps you soaring, tumbling and weaving through every surprise turn. Okay, that was a lot from the movie Aladdin. In this case though, it is completely accurate to describe all the emotions that Disney movie songs can take you through. Most are easy to recite, but there’s a few that are often misunderstood. Some will even make a man out of you! So let’s get down to business, and defeat these Disney song lyrics!
There are countless Disney movie songs that are easy to remember, but if we take a closer look at the lyrics, you might find that you have been singing them wrong your whole life! We can’t all be perfectionists when it comes to remembering all of the words, but if you’re a karaoke enthusiast you will want to be prepared before the words flash across the screen and stun you into silence. Nobody wants that. Without further ado, the top five Disney songs that we might all have been hearing wrong. A mondegreen, if you will.
There are more of course, and we encourage you to put this challenge to the test and figure out if you have what it takes to conquer all of the lyrics to these Disney tunes. If not, let it go and join the rest of the masses that will now forever sing about Thai food, and llamas. Are there lyrics that you know of that weren’t mentioned above? Let’s talk about it! Leave your comments below, pull up a chair and be our guest!
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