Month Of Merriment At Bookmans!
December is finally here and with it, Bookmans’ Month of Merriment begins! Not only are we the one stop shop for everyone on your holiday list but we also have a calendar full of awesome events taking place in our stores. From visits with St. Nick to holiday puppet shows and musical performances, ’tis the season for awesome events at Bookmans stores.
Join Bookmans Flagstaff every Friday in December for Christmas Movie Party! Enjoy free gift wrapping on December 22nd and make your own tree ornament at the Christmas Ornament Decorating Extravaganza with Santa Claus!
Head on down to Bookmans Mesa for Spotlight On Sound with Simon Wong. Hang at the Bookmans Family Activity Area at the Mesa Arts Festival. Don’t miss your chance to meet St. Nick in person at Bookmans Mesa on December 23rd!
Bookmans Phoenix is once again hosting another Ukulele Workshop for Live From Bookmans! It’s All Aboard the Polar Express as we travel to the North Pole and meet the one and only Santa Claus. Spread the holiday cheer with Bookmans Phoenix at the Downtown Phoenix Phoetivus Market.
Help Bookmans Northwest bring holiday cheer to those in need by donating toys to Casa De Los Ninos. All month long they will collecting toys and books to the Tucson non-profit. DIY your own tree ornament at Holiday Craftapalooza. Bookmans Northwest welcomes New York Times Best Selling Author Adam Rex for a Story Time Meet and Greet. And of course Santa will be stopping by December 23rd.
Snap a pic with Kris Kringle himself as Santa takes holiday gift requests at Bookmans Midtown. Puppets Amongus performs their hilarious rendition of The Gingerbread Man and The Civic Orchestra of Tucson provides some lovely tunes at a special Bookmans Midtown Holiday Show. Enjoy hot cocoa and candy canes as Literacy Connects performs Twas The Night Before Christmas. Bookmans Midtown will be collecting children’s book donations day of for Literacy Connects.
Why not give the gift of a home this holiday season? Plenty of pets are in need of a forever home. Meet your new best friend at Rescue a Reindog at Bookmans East. Celebrate literacy and comics at Constant Con at Bookmans East. Don’t miss your opportunity to meet Father Christmas at Santa Celebrates Month of Merriment.
Join Bookmans stores across the state as we celebrate the holidays. Happy Month of Merriment!
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