Nerdy Reads: Official Selections of Bookmans and PBS
Our friends in nerdery at Eight, Arizona PBS surveyed participants on their favorite books over the last three years of the PBS Nerd Walk. Together, we cataloged the most popular choices and created an official list of what PBS Nerds read. After reviewing this quite extensive compilation, we managed to extract the top fifteen. Take a look to see which you have read and which you need to pick up. Then stop in at Bookmans Phoenix to check out the hip-to-be-square display of best nerdy reads in town.
15. A Wrinkle In Time – L’Engle
14. Brave New World – Huxley
13. Chronicles of Narnia – Lewis
12. Dune – Herbert
11. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – Adams
10. Catcher in the Rye – Salinger
9. The Great Gatsby – Fitzgerald
8. 1984 – Orwell
7. The Lord of the Rings – Tolkien
6. The Hobbit – Tolkien
5. To Kill a Mockingbird – Lee
4. Pride and Prejudice – Austen
3. Ender’s Game – Card
2. “The Hunger Games” Trilogy – Collins
1. The “Harry Potter” Series – Rowling
Eight, Arizona PBS is one of our favorite community partners. We see eye-to-bespectacled-eye when it comes to geeking out and getting our nerd on. Whether it’s Austin City Limits or Jane Austen novels, Eight, Arizona PBS and Bookmans have you covered. Once a year, we get together with all our gloriously nerdy friends and parade through public with pride. If we’re your people, join us for the Fourth Annual Arizona PBS Nerd Walk. The event will take place on Saturday, November 1 at the ASU Homecoming Block Party. (Time is TBD based on the NCAA schedule, but we’ll let you know as soon as possible.)
Register for the 2014 PBS Nerd Walk
Registration for the Nerd Walk is free and includes a commemorative limited edition T-shirt. This year’s awesome T-shirt designer is Eric Jelinek, who won the design competition fair and, well, square. It’s been noted that his design has a resemblance to the Death Star – which is, as Bob Ross would say, a happy accident. T-shirts will be available for pickup by registrants upon check-in at the Nerd Walk.
We hope to see you on November 1 at Arizona State University Homecoming Block Party! In the meantime, tell us in the comment section what you are a nerd for. After all, a wise person once said, Geeking Out Is Half the Fun.
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