Eight Awesome Marvel Superheroines
Though DC Comics characters have their merits, today we are Team Marvel. Amid a male-dominated superhero universe, we highlight Marvel superheroines of valor. Geeking out on comics is a pastime shared by all ages, genders and backgrounds. These fabulous females help young girls feel self-empowered…
Decoupage Comic Book Letters
Is your home boring? Does your office lack luster? Do you ever think, “I sure wish my life was like a comic book,” or “This day would be so much cooler if I was surrounded by onomatopoeia”? We have the news of the century for you (hyperbole,…
Star Wars Comics at Bookmans Speedway
Bookmans Speedway customers have discovered our new Geek Zone with its Geek-a-rific wonderland of action figures, role playing games, graphic novels and comic books, but we didn’t stop there. We recently expanded the comic books, refining the department. Marvel and DC comics have been separated…
Collectable Comics at Bookmans Speedway
We all know Bookmans is the place to find treasures. In every corner of the store a geeking out moment awaits you. One of the best places to find that treasure is in our Collectable Comics section. You never know what might fly in to…
Exploring Graphic Censorship
One of the issues nearest and dearest to the heart of Bookmans is free speech. In fact, we devote the month of September to the discussion and exploration of censorship. Many of us are familiar with famous novels like Alice in Wonderland and Animal Farm…
Super Captain Comic Book Man
A flash of red flames against a dark skyline, a caped figure leaps into the frame, muscled, face hidden behind a mask but carefully exposing a chiseled jaw. Who is this unknown hero? Has he come to save the day or is he part of…
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