Bookmans Live Auction Item List for Feb 2021!
The next Bookmans Live Auction is happening Feb 12, 2021 at 7:30 PM on Facebook Live at @Bookmans and it will be hosted by All Puppet Players’ Hamlet! All items below will be up for auction and are only available via the live auction on…
We’ve Got Your Favorite Things Covered
What are your favorite things? Everyone has some favorite things that they love to collect, share, and decorate their lives with. The holidays are all about giving others something incredibly special, and that includes yourself as well. If you’re a fan of books, music, movies,…
December Brings Our Favorite Things!
Boy, oh boy, does Bookmans have exactly what you’re looking for this holiday season! A whole lot of your favorite entertainment options in one store? Yes. A safe space for you to browse or grab something curbside to check off every giftee on your list?…
25 Gifts You Have To Give This Holiday Season
The holiday shopping season is upon us! And though it can be totally overwhelming not to mention expensive to shower your loved ones with gifts galore, Bookmans has got you covered. We have tons – and I mean TONS – of awesome gift ideas right here in our…
Bookmans Recommends: Nintendo Classics
Bookmans is obsessed with all things Nintendo. Classic games like Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda, and the ever loved Pokemon franchise… we could talk about those for hours! Since the release of the Nintendo Switch, we are all buzzing with excitement – and a…
Gift Guide: Song Books for Song Birds and Other Musical Gifts
Bookmans is chock-full of ideal gifts for your friends and family this holiday season. Everything from the rare and first editions for the book fiend, film classics for the Robert Osborne in your life or Goku figurines for your Dragon Ball Z loving little sis can be…
Bookmans White Elephant Gift Guide
Lo, the white elephant. Legend goes that a king of Siam would bestow upon those who displeased him an albino elephant in hopes that the upkeep would run them into the ground. What began as a malicious way to ruin enemies is now a celebrated…
Mata Ortiz Pottery at Bookmans Speedway
Our partnership with the potters of Mata Ortiz brings us pride year after year. We offer selections of their work to Tucsonans as well as host pottery workshops. Bookmans Speedway recently hosted one such event and happily reports that a new selection of Mata Ortiz…
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