Bookmans’ Gallery Is Where It’s At
Bookmans has awesome stuff. From vintage books to cult movies, our place is a playground. The Bookmans Gallery is full of collectibles to turn your place of residence into a home. Gathering items from the community, our buyers are on the look out for rare…
Chewbacca at Bookmans
Bookmans partnered with Disney Studios to bring Arizona Star Wars Reads Day. As part of our ongoing commitment to literacy, local chapters of the Rebel Legion and the 501st Legion hosted a literacy support event at all three Tucson Bookmans Entertainment Exchange locations as well…
Movie Madness Month: Best Friends on Film
The highlights of summer include swimming, cold drinks, vacation, beach reads, wearing flip-flops, eating popsicles and, of course, blockbuster movies. August marks two of the most interactive observances of the season: International Day of Friendship and Bookmans’ Movie Madness Month. How better to celebrate than…
Geek Out in May with Bookmans
“Geeking Out” follows many forms, but we consider it to be the thrill of the ultimate find, that instant where you see something that excites you beyond belief and the not-so-subtle squee leaves your lips. Maybe you jump for joy or shout, “Yes!” No matter…
Light Saber Craft Tutorial: May the Fourth Be with You
Everyone’s favorite celebration is almost here — May the 4th Be with You, Star Wars Day! In honor of our favorite classic sci-fi series, we were inspired to do a Star Wars-themed craft tutorial. The best part of this craft is that is easy, fast,…
Geeking Out with Bookmans: May the Fourth Be With You
Join or fight the dark side at Tucson’s first May the 4th Be With You Force-tival with Bookmans, Hotel Congress, Pima County Public Library and Cinema La Placita. Members of the Empire and Rebel Alliance are encouraged to come in costume to an event of…
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