Horror Adaptation on TV
With the growing popularity of streaming services and our love of spending hours binge-watching the newest, greatest TV series, we are in no shortage of things to watch that quench our horror thirst. Or, if you’re like me, you may also enjoy curling up with…
6 Shows to Binge While You Wait for G.O.T.
Winter may be here for the folks of Westeros, but the rest of us still have to wait until April 2019 to see who comes out victorious in the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones. And while we wait to find out what…
Sci-Fi Shows You Need to Binge Watch
Nothing beats that feeling you get when you finally find a good show to watch. What’s even better is finding a show so good you can’t stop watching. I’m talking about the stay-up-til-3:00-AM-again-even-though-you-promised-yourself-you-wouldn’t kind of shows. Once you’re hooked, it’s hard to stop! Trust me,…
Top Ten Binge Worthy TV Shows
If you are like me, you probably can’t watch a show without binging the entire series. The summer heat is blistering in Arizona and binge watching a stellar show is the perfect excuse to stay inside. So jump into worlds unlike your own and indulge,…
American Horror Story Seasons Ranked Worst to Best
I love American Horror Story. This show is filled with heart-wrenching scenes of murder, love stories, dark humor, and so much more. The acting from every character is phenomenal. You can really tell each actor/actress put their all into the show. Every season of AHS…
Everyone Loves Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons isn’t geek culture, it’s pop culture. For the uninitiated, Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game. Of course, for those who play, it’s so much more than that. At its core, D&D is about storytelling; it’s about you and your friends telling a…
Everyone Loves Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons isn’t geek culture, it’s pop culture. For the uninitiated, Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game. Of course, for those who play, it’s so much more than that. At its core, D&D is about storytelling; it’s about you and your friends telling a…
Bookmans Speedway Finds for Enterprise-ing Trekkies
Long ago in a time far far in the past (1966) a man named Gene Roddenbery was touched by God. Well, maybe not exactly touched by God but touched by some kind of super powerful, all-knowing muse who knocked on the door of his imagination…
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