June's Tunes | Top 5 TV Theme Songs
You know them by heart. You clap along when appropriate. They are the sounding bell for many TV binge sessions. Of course, we are talking about those completely recognizable TV theme songs. From the classics like “Come and Knock On My Door” from Three’s Company to more recent ones like Malvina Reynolds “Little Boxes” on Weeds, these short, catchy and on-point songs help sell the show and set the mood. So sit back, pop some corn and chill as we count down our Top 5 TV Theme Songs courtesy of Bookmans Midtown.
Number 5!
It’s time to play the music. It’s time to light the lights. It’s time to meet the Muppets on the Muppet Show tonight! This theme has seen many variations with each season of the show containing a slightly different version of the previous. It’s no secret that this theme is beloved by many and was even used again most recently in Muppets Most Wanted, 2016, the Muppets television show. It was also covered by OK GO in 2011. No wonder this song made the list, it’s a classic!
Number 4!
Who doesn’t know the lyrics to Fresh Prince of Bel Air? Seriously…who?! SHOW YOURSELVES! Not only does Fresh Prince adequately provide a prologue to all that takes place in the show, but it’s also catchy, hilarious and contains heaps of Will Smith charm.
Number 3!
What would a theme song list be without the eerie notes of The Twilight Zone? The OG anthology television series left many with bad dreams at night and a tune stuck in their head. Bernard Herrmann is the man responsible for composing the original theme. The piece has seen many incarnations, including a cover by The Grateful Dead.
Number 2!
Ja’net Dubois’s “Movin’ On Up” from The Jeffersons is a classic. Not only did the show last 11 years, but you’d be hard press to find an individual who couldn’t finish the line “to a deluxe apartment in _______.” Dubios co-wrote the song with Jeff Barry and it was covered by Sammy Davis Jr in 1978.
Number 1!
What better way to enter your favorite fictional world then by zooming through clouded sky to reveal the quaint little town of Springfield? The melodious sound that is The Simpsons main titled theme was composed by Grammy collecting Danny Elfman. With the show entering its 29th season, it’s no surprise the uber popular program has an equally famous theme song.
There you have it! These are our five themes we just can’t shake, but what are some of your faves? Tell us in the comments below and be sure to stop by Bookmans for all your books, music, movies and TV needs.
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